The Programme for Advancement through Health and Education (PATH)

Ano de publicação: 2006

PATH is a nation-wide programme providing two types of grants. The first is a health grant, which is contingent on certain members of the household attending public health clinics at regularly scheduled intervals. The second is the education grant, which is contingent on children aged 6-17 attending school for at least 85% of the total number of school-days each month. In each case, the size of the grant is J$600 per month – approximately US$10 – per eligible beneficiary in the household. Eligibility for the programme is determined through the use of a ‘proxy-means’ test. The total budget of the programme for the years between 2001 and 2005 was US$ 78 million, of which approximately half was provided by the Government of Jamaica and the remaining proportion was provided by a loan from the World Bank. By 2005, the programme had reached 180,000 beneficiaries, amounting to 8% of the population.

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