Communication and advocacy checklist: EVIPNet Europe

Ano de publicação: 2016

The aim of this document is to serve EVIPNet Europe country teams and WHO country offices as a summary of the major communication considerations associated with communicating about and advocating for EVIPNet. It can serve as a “refresher” of related concepts, tools and “to-do’s”, or it can be used as a reference point (e.g. for planning how to convince a high-level government official to invest in EVIPNet or how to approach the media regarding news from the latest EVIPNet workshop). The document includes the key considerations to keep in mind when communicating about and advocating for EVIPNet. It addresses the processes of identifying the audience and channels of communication and tailoring the message to the particular objectives with preparation of talking points. It covers how to approach the media and how to use social media sensibly (section 5). Examples of benefits from EVIPNet and success stories are at hand. Those who organize EVIPNet related events will benefit from a useful overview of how to plan the communication activities around it.

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