Results: 31

MARVEL-minimising the emergence and dissemination of HIV-1 drug resistance in Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP): low-cost portable NGS platform for HIV-1 surveillance in Africa

BMC infect. dis; 24 (1), 2024
Background HIV-1 infections remain a global public health concern. Scaled-up antiretroviral treatment (ART) is crucial for reducing morbidity and mortality related to HIV/AIDS. The emergence of drug-resistance mutations (DRMs) compromises viral suppression and contributes to the continued HIV-1 transmiss...

Assessing the effect of COVida orphans and vulnerable children support services on viral load coverage and suppression among children and adolescents living with HIV in four provinces in Mozambique

AIDS care; 36 (8), 2024
Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programs focusing on improving HIV outcomes for children and adolescents living with HIV (C&ALHIV) may improve viral load (VL) testing coverage, a critical step toward achieving VL suppression. In Mozambique, we conducted a retrospective medical record review compari...

Favorable Impact of Community Adherence Support Groups on Retention in Care and Viral Suppression Rates Among Persons with HIV Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy in Mozambique

AIDS res. hum. retrovir; 39 (10), 2023
The community adherence support group (CASG) was one of the first differentiated service delivery (DSD) models introduced in Mozambique. This study assessed the impact of this model on retention in care, loss to follow-up (LTFU), and viral suppression among antiretroviral therapy (ART)-treated adults in ...

Examining oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) literacy among participants in an HIV vaccine trial preparedness cohort study

Background: Internationally-accredited laboratories are recognised for their superior test reliability, operational performance, quality management and competence. In a bid to meet international quality standards, the Mozambique National Institute of Health enrolled the National Tuberculosis Reference La...

Caregivers’ psychosocial assessment for identifying HIV infected infants at risk of poor treatment adherence: an exploratory study in southern Mozambique

AIDS care; 35 (1), 2022
Psychosocial support (PSS) to caregivers of HIV-infected infants on antiretroviral treatment (ART) is crucial to ensure ART adherence and sustained long-term viral suppression in children. A specific approach including tools to monitor and understand adherence behavior and risk factors that prevent optim...

The impact of the caregiver mobility on child HIV care in the Manhiça District, Southern Mozambique: A clinical based study

PLos ONE; 16 (12), 2021
Introduction: Manhiça District, in Southern Mozambique harbors high HIV prevalence and a long history of migration. To optimize HIV care, we sought to assess how caregiver's mobility impacts children living with HIV (CLHIV)´s continuation in HIV care and to explore the strategies used by caregivers to ...

Predictors of attrition among adults in a rural HIV clinic in southern Mozambique: 18-year retrospective study

HIV remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality for people living in many low-income countries. With an HIV prevalence of 12.4% among people aged over 15 years, Mozambique was ranked in 2019 as one of eight countries with the highest HIV rates in the world. We analyzed routinely collected data from ...

Estimating HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis need and impact in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia: A geospatial and risk-based analysis

PloS med; 18 (1), 2021
Background Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a WHO-recommended HIV prevention method for people at high risk for acquiring HIV, is being increasingly implemented in many countries. Setting programmatic targets, particularly in generalised epidemics, could incorporate estimates of the size of the populatio...

Pre-exposure prophylaxis use among HIV serodiscordant couples: a qualitative study in Mozambique

Global health action; 14 (1), 2021
Background: Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has the potential to reduce HIV transmission and stem the HIV epidemic. Unfortunately, PrEP uptake in rural sub-Saharan Africa has been slow and medication adherence has been suboptimal. Objective: To explore the perspectives, attitudes, and experiences of HIV ...

Experiências e percepções sobre o HIV e sua influência na adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral em utentes policiais atendidos no centro de saúde do bairro de fomento província de Maputo em 2010

A polícia é uma força de defesa e segurança da soberania nacional susceptível as infecções por HIV. Sendo assim, a presente dissertação intutulada, “Experiências e percepções sobre a adesão ao tratamento antiretroviral em utentes do centro de saúde da polícia do bairro do fomento, na pro...