O estudo teve como objectivo analisar os factores sociais, económicos e
demográficos que influenciam ao abandono do TARV para os pacientes
residentes nos bairros Matundo e Chingodzi. Foi aplicado o método misto
(quali-quantitativo) e exploratório com a amostragem probabilística aleatória
simples e ...
Social Discrimination,
Alcohol Drinking,
Allied Health Personnel,
Social Factors,
Health Services Research,
Public Health,
Disease Prevention,
Socioeconomic Factors
A síndrome respiratória aguda grave coronavírus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), responsável pela doença do novo coronavírus (COVID-19), resultou em uma crise de saúde global sem precedentes (1)”containertitle”:”JMIR Public Health and Surveillance”,”page”:”e19927”,”volume”:”6”,”issue”:...
Gong, estelle;
Dula, janeth;
Alberto, carla;
Albuquerque, amanda de;
Steenland, maria;
Fernandes, quinhas;
Cuco, rosa marlene;
Sequeira, sandra;
Chicumbe, sérgio;
Samo Gudo, Eduardo;
McConnell, margaret.
Background: Antenatal care (ANC) provides a range of critical health services during pregnancy that can improve maternal and neonatal health outcomes. In Mozambique, only half of women receive four or more ANC visits, which are provided for free at public health centers by maternal and child health (MCH)...
Marotta, Claudia;
Giaquinto, Carlo;
i Gennaro, Francesco;
Chhaganlal, Kajal D;
Saracino, Annalisa;
Moiane, Jorge;
aringhini, Guido;
Pizzol, Damiano;
Putoto, Giovanni;
Monno, Laura;
Casuccio, Alessandra;
Vitale, Francesco;
Mazzucco, Walter.
Background: In 2013, Mozambique implemented task-shifting (TS) from clinical officers to maternal and child
nurses to improve care for HIV positive children < 5 years old. A retrospective, pre-post intervention study was
designed to evaluate effectiveness of a new pathway of care in a sample of Beira Dis...
Background: The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation's African Health Initiative supported the implementation of Population Health Implementation and Training (PHIT) Partnership health system strengthening interventions in designated areas of five countries: Ghana, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia. A...
Background: Well-functioning health systems need to utilize data at all levels, from the provider, to local and national-level decision makers, in order to make evidence-based and needed adjustments to improve the quality of care provided. Over the last 7 years, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation's Afr...
Background: Despite global efforts to increase health workforce capacity through training and guidelines, challenges remain in bridging the gap between knowledge and quality clinical practice and addressing health system deficiencies preventing health workers from providing high quality care. In many dev...
Background: High-quality data are critical to inform, monitor and manage health programs. Over the seven-year African Health Initiative of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, three of the five Population Health Implementation and Training (PHIT) partnership projects in Mozambique, Rwanda, and Zambia in...
Backrgound: Good progress is being made towards universal access to contraceptives, however stock-outs still jeopardize progress. A seldom considered but important building block in optimizing supply management is the degree to which health workers feel motivated and responsible for monitoring supply. We...
Clinical Audit,
Contraceptive Agents/supply & distribution,
Equipment and Supplies,
Family Planning Services/organization & administration,
Health Facility Administration,
Health Personnel,
Health Services Research,
Quality of Health Care,
Statistics, Nonparametric,
A satisfação dos pacientes em relação aos cuidados de saúde, tem
despertado interesse nos últimos anos entre os pesquisadores e gestores de programas de
saúde, por se considerar que estes sejam fonte de informação para o desenvolvimento de
novos programas e avaliação dos serviços já existent...
Patient Care,
Primary Health Care,
Health Centers,
Health Services Research,
Pharmaceutical Preparations,
Personal Satisfaction,