Results: 25

Assessing the effect of COVida orphans and vulnerable children support services on viral load coverage and suppression among children and adolescents living with HIV in four provinces in Mozambique

AIDS care; 36 (8), 2024
Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programs focusing on improving HIV outcomes for children and adolescents living with HIV (C&ALHIV) may improve viral load (VL) testing coverage, a critical step toward achieving VL suppression. In Mozambique, we conducted a retrospective medical record review compari...

Perfil de Publicações na Revista Científica do Instituto Nacional de Saúde

Introdução: A Revista Moçambicana de Ciencias de Saúde (RMCS) foi instituída em 2013, com o objectivo de abarcar as diversas áreas de saúde humana, através de uma abordagem interdisciplinar dos aspectos relacio nados com a promoção de saúde pública, prestação de cuidados clínicos e gestã...

Perspectivas da Sessão Satélite da 25ª Conferência Internacional sobre SIDA intitulada “Direcções Futuras”

De 22 a 26 de julho de 2024, realizou-se em Munique, na Alemanha, a 25.ª Conferência Internacional sobre o SIDA. De acordo com os organizadores da conferência, mais de 11.000 pessoas participaram na conferência, que contou com mais de 40 sessões de resumos orais, 50 sessões de oradores convidados, ...

Tracking SARS-CoV-2 introductions in Mozambique using pandemic-scale phylogenies: a retrospective observational study

Lancet Glob. Health; 11 (6), 2023
From the start of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, global sequencing efforts have generated an unprecedented amount of genomic data. Nonetheless, unequal sampling between high-income and low-income countries hinders the implementation of genomic surveillance systems at the global and local level. Filling the kno...

Optimizing Routine Malaria Surveillance Data in Urban Environments: A Case Study in Maputo City, Mozambique

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 108 (2), 2022
In urban settings in malaria-endemic countries, malaria incidence is not well characterized and assumed to be typically very low and consisting largely of imported infections. In such contexts, surveillance systems should adapt to ensure that data are of sufficient spatial and temporal resolution to info...

Inappropriate use of antibiotics and its predictors in pediatric patients admitted at the Central Hospital of Nampula, Mozambique

Background: Antibiotics are synthetic or natural substances used to treat bacterial infectious diseases. When used incorrectly, they can be a factor in the development of antimicrobial resistance, increased treatment time, costs, and mortality. The present study aimed to assess the pattern of inappropria...

The effect of a Mentor Mothers program on prevention of vertical transmission of HIV outcomes in Zambézia Province, Mozambique: a retrospective interrupted time series analysis

J. int. aids soc; 25 (6), 2022
Introduction: Mentor Mothers (MM) provide peer support to pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV (PPWH) and their infants with perinatal HIV exposure (IPE) throughout the cascade of prevention of vertical transmission (PVT) services. MM were implemented in Zambézia Province, Mozambique starting ...

Neighbors' use of water and sanitation facilities can affect children's health: a cohort study in Mozambique using a spatial approach

BMC public health (Online); 22 (983), 2022
Background: Impact evaluation of most water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions in health are user-centered. However, recent research discussed WASH herd protection - community WASH coverage could protect neighboring households. We evaluated the effect of water and sanitation used in the househo...

Etiology of meningitis among adults in three quaternary hospitals in Mozambique, 2016-2017: The role of HIV

PLos ONE; 17 (5), 2022
Antecedentes: A meningite continua a ser uma causa importante de morbimortalidade em adultos na África Subsaariana. Os dados sobre a investigação etiológica da meningite em adultos em Moçambique são limitados e a maioria dos estudos foram realizados no sul de Moçambique. A identificação da etiol...

CD4 Trends with evolving treatment initiation policies among children living with HIV in zambézia province, mozambique, 2012-2018

Background: Historically, antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation was based on CD4 criteria, but this has been replaced with "Test and Start" wherein all people living with HIV are offered ART. We describe the baseline immunologic status among children relative to evolving ART policies in Mozambique. Me...