Results: 16

Impact of the Implementation of Laboratory Information System (WWDISA)onTimely Provision of HIV-1 Viral Load Results in a Rural Area, Inhambane, Mozambique

Healthcare; 10 (2167), 2022
WWDISA is an optional module of the DISA Laboratory Information system (LIS) that offers a web portal that allows access to test results over the internet for patient clinical management. This study aims to assess the applicability of using the WWDISA web application, and the lessons learned from its ...

Poverty and vulnerability in Mozambique: An analysis of dynamics and correlates in light of the Covid-19 crisis using synthetic panels

Rev. dev. econ.; 25 (4), 2021
This study aims at providing new insights into poverty, vulnerability, and their correlates in Mozambique, applying synthetic panels techniques and expanding on earlier analyses. Our results suggest that there is a high degree of poverty immobility, especially in rural areas in the northern and central r...

Surgical patients travel longer distances than non-surgical patients to receive care at a rural hospital in Mozambique

Saúde inter; 7 (1), 2021
Background: Surgical care is increasingly recognised as an important component of global health delivery. However, there are still major gaps in knowledge related to access to surgical care in low-income countries. In this study, we compare distances travelled by surgical patients with patients seeking o...

A situação das crianças em moçambique 2021
The situation of children in mozambique 2021

No início de 2020, o Governo da República de Moçambique delineou os seus objectivos e prioridades estratégicas num novo Plano de Desenvolvimento Nacional quinquenal. Em conjunto com a prestação de serviços e protecção contínua às crianças, o plano busca recuperar o país de choques significat...

Men’s migration and women’s mortality in rural Mozambique

Soc. sci. med. (1982); 270 (113519), 2020
Labor migration is widespread and growing across the world. As migration grows, the economic outcomes of migration increasingly diversify, and so do its consequences for the well-being and health of both migrants and non-migrating household members. A considerable body of scholarship has examined the eff...

Loss to follow-up and opportunities for reengagement in HIV care in rural Mozambique. A prospective cohort study

Medicine journal; 99 (6), 2020
Patients lost to follow-up (LTFU) over the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) cascade have poor clinical outcomes and contribute to onward HIV transmission. We assessed true care outcomes and factors associated with successful reengagement in patients LTFU in southern Mozambique. Newly diagnosed HIV-posi...

Diversidades e convergências nos indicadores de saúde no Brasil e em Moçambique
Diversity and Convergence in Health Indicators in Brazil and Mozambique

Novos estud. - CEBRAP; 38 (2), 2019
O artigo apresenta um panorama da trajetória recente das desi‑ gualdades em saúde nos dois países. Partindo da sistematização de dados produzidos pelos órgãos oficiais, de estatística e saúde, mostra como evoluíram os indicadores de acesso à saúde. Observa‑se a redução das desigualdade...

Interpretações e praticas tradicionais relacionasdas com epilepsia: estudo na zona sul de Moçambique

Epilepsia é um problema de Saúde Pública afectando cerca 50 milhões de pessoas a nível global, das quais 40 milhões em Países em vias de desenvolvimento, onde também Moçambique faz parte (OMS, 2016). Em Moçambique, o problema de epilepsia afecta cerca de 4% da população principalmente nas zon...

Infant mortality and morbidity associated with preterm and small-for-gestational-age births in southern Mozambique: A retrospective cohort study

PLos ONE; 12 (2), 2017
Background: Preterm and small for gestational age (SGA) births have been associated with adverse outcomes during the first stages of life. We evaluated the morbidity and mortality associated with preterm and SGA births during the first year of life in a rural area of Southern Mozambique. Methods: This is...

Community health worker knowledge and management of pre-eclampsia in southern Mozambique

Reprod. health; 13 (2), 2016
: Mozambique has drastically improved an array of health indicators in recent years, including maternal mortality rates which decreased 63 % from 1990–2013 but the rates still high. Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia constitute the third major cause of maternal death in the country. Women in rural areas, with...