A diversidade genética do Plasmodium falciparum é um dos maiores obstáculos para o desenvolvimento da imunidade assim como para a eficácia terapêutica de antimaláricos, pois confere ao parasita habilidade para evadir a resposta imune do hospedeiro, gerando mudanças na sua composição antigénica,...
O Inquérito de Indicadores de Imunização, Malária e HIV/SIDA (IMASIDA 2015) em Moçambique foi
realizado com o objectivo de determinar a prevalência do HIV e SIDA e malária, bem como outros
indicadores de saúde da mulher e da criança no país. O inquérito fornece dados a nível nacional, provinc...
HIV/isolation & purification,
HIV Testing/methods,
Malaria/prevention & control,
Malaria, Falciparum/prevention & control,
Malaria, Falciparum/drug therapy,
Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data,
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/diagnosis,
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/prevention & control,
Health Status Indicators,
Research Report/trends
Kovacs, stephanie d;
Eijk, anna maria van;
Sevene, esperanca;
Dellicour, stephanie;
Weiss, noel, s;
Emerson, scott;
Steketee, richard;
Kuile, feiko O. ter;
Stergachis, andy.
Given the high morbidity for mother and fetus associated with malaria in pregnancy, safe and efficacious drugs are needed for treatment. Artemisinin derivatives are the most effective antimalarials, but are associated with teratogenic and embryotoxic effects in animal models when used in early pregnancy....
Abortion, Spontaneous,
Antimalarials/adverse effects,
Antimalarials/therapeutic use,
Artemisinins/adverse effects,
Artemisinins/therapeutic use,
Cohort Studies,
Malaria/drug therapy,
Pregnancy Complications, Parasitic/drug therapy,
After the decrease in clinical malaria incidence observed in Mozambique until 2009, a steady resurgence of cases per year has been reported nationally, reaching alarming levels in 2014. However, little is known about the clinical profile of the cases presented, or the possible epidemiological factors con...
Cohort Studies,
Analysis of Variance,
Plasmodium falciparum,
Age Distribution,
Adult Children
The substantial impact of cross-border collaborative control efforts on the burden of malaria in southern Africa has
previously been demonstrated through the successes of the Lubombo Spatial Development Initiative. Increases in
malaria cases recorded in the three partner countries (Mozambique, South Afri...
Malaria/prevention & control,
Health Policy,
South Africa/epidemiology,
Communicable Disease Control/methods,
Communicable Disease Control/organization & administration,
Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical/prevention & control,
International Cooperation,
Disease Eradication
Hemminki, Elina;
Nwaru, Bright I;
Salomé, Graca;
Parkkali, Saara;
Abacassamo, Fatima;
Augusto, Orvalho;
Cliff, Julie;
Regushevskaya, Elena;
Dgedge, Martinho;
Sousa, Cesar;
Chilundo, Baltazar.
To compare routine versus selective (ie, screening and treatment for anaemia) prenatal iron prophylaxis in a malaria-endemic and HIV-prevalent setting, an extended analysis including previously missing data.
Design: A pragmatic randomised controlled clinical trial.
Setting: 2 health centres in Maputo, ...
Anemia/prevention & control,
Cesarean Section/statistics & numerical data,
Dietary Supplements,
Ferrous Compounds/administration & dosage,
Folic Acid/administration & dosage,
HIV Infections/complications,
Iron/administration & dosage,
Maternal Death/statistics & numerical data,
Perinatal Death,
Premature Birth/epidemiology,
Prenatal Care/methods
Em Moçambique, os Inquéritos de Saúde têm assumido uma importância cada vez maior por constituírem uma das fontes mais fidedignas de informação sobre a saúde, principalmente no que se refere à desagregação geográfica e à análise por características seleccionadas da população. Por este m...
Raquel Gonzalez and colleagues highlight an urgent need to evaluate antimalarials that can be safely administered to HIV-infected pregnant women on antiretroviral treatment and cotrimoxazole prophylaxis.
African HIV-infected pregnant women are the most vulnerable population group to
malaria infection.
A malária é uma doença infecciosa que ao lado da AIDS e da tuberculose, constituem as três
principais causas de mortalidade no mundo, sendo responsáveis por cerca de seis milhões de
mortes por ano. De acordo com a OMS, de 300 a 500 milhões de novos episódios de malária e
mais de dois milhões de...
Adjei, aexander;
Bana, solomon narh;
Amu, alberta;
Kukula, vida;
Nagai, richard afedi;
Agyei, seth owusu;
Oduro, abraham;
Macete, Eusebio;
Abdulla, salim;
Halidou, tinto;
Sie, ali;
Osei, isaac;
Sevene, esperance;
Asante, kwaku-poku;
Mulokozi, abdunoor;
Compaore, guillaume;
Valea, innocent;
Adjuik, martin;
Baiden, rita;
Ogutu, Bernhards;
Binka, fred;
Gyapong, margaret.
Background: Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (DHA-PQ) is one of five WHO recommended artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria. However, little was known on its post-registration safety and effectiveness in sub-Saharan Africa. DHA-PQ provides a long post-treatment pro...