Results: 186

Community incidences of respiratory infections in an actively followed cohort of children <1 year of age in Manhiça, a rural area of southern Mozambique

Trop. med. int. health; 11 (3), 2006
Objective: To estimate the community incidence-rates of respiratory infections among infants in Manhiça, southern Mozambique, and to determine risk factors associated with these infections. Methods: A cohort of children <1 year of age were visited at home every week until they turned one. During the vis...

The epidemiology and the burden of Malaria in Mozambique

Malaria occurs mostly in the tropical regions of the world. Sub-Saharan Africa is the area most affected. The occurrence of a very efficient mosquito vectors Anopheles gambiae complex and Anopheles funestus group sustain high transmission of the Plasmodium falciparum, the most predominant and deadly mala...

Normas de manejo dos casos de Malária em Moçambique

A malária é um dos principais problemas de saúde em Moçambique representando cerca de 48% do total das consultas externas e 63% de todos os internamentos em pediatria nos hospitais rurais e gerais e cerca de 26,7% da mortalidade total do País. O Plasmodium falciparum é o responsável por cerca de 9...

Plasmodium species mixed infections in two areas of Manhiça district, Mozambique

We compared the distribution patterns of individual Plasmodium species and mixed-species infections in two geographically close endemic areas, but showing environmental differences. Comparisons concerned circulating Plasmodium infections in both human and mosquito vector populations in the dry and wet se...

Efficacy of the RTS, S/AS02A vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum infection and disease in young African children: randomised controlled trial

Lancet; 364 (9443), 2004
Background: Development of an effective malaria vaccine could greatly contribute to disease control. RTS,S/AS02A is a pre-erythrocytic vaccine candidate based on Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite surface antigen. We aimed to assess vaccine efficacy, immunogenicity, and safety in young African childr...

Manual de Vigilância epidemiológica interpretação e acçaõ

O desenvolvimento epidemiológico de qualquer actividade, serviço ou programa pressupõe a existência de mecanismos que permitam avaliar o seu funcionamento, bom como medir o seu grau de implementação. Mais importante ainda é a medição da eficácia de todo o processo. Hoje, muito de conhecimento e...

Malaria in pregnancy in rural Mozambique: the role of parity, submicroscopic and multiple Plasmodium falciparum infections

Trop. med. int. health; 7 (1), 2002
Background: Falciparum malaria affects pregnant women, especially primigravidae, but before malaria control programmes targeted to them can be designed, a description of the frequency and parity pattern of the infection is needed. There is little information on the frequency and effect of submicroscopic ...

Bio-efficacy of new long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets against Anopheles funestus and Anopheles gambiae from central and northern Mozambique

Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) are one of the main methods used for controlling malaria transmission in Mozambique. The proliferation of several types of LLINs and the re-emergence of insecticide resistance in the local vector populations poses challenges to the local malaria control prog...