Results: 338

Estimation of malaria-attributable fever in malaria test–positive febrile outpatients in three provinces of mozambique, 2018

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 102 (1), 2020
Like most malaria-endemic countries, Mozambique relies on tabulation of confirmed malaria test–positive febrile patients to track incidence of malaria. However, this approach is potentially biased by incidental malaria parasitemia in patients with fever of another etiology. We compared pan-Plasmodium a...

Palliative care in Mozambique: Physicians' knowledge, attitudes and practices

PLos ONE; 15 (8), 2020
Background Palliative care is an essential part of medical practice but it remains limited, inaccessible, or even absent in low andmiddle income countries. Objectives Toevaluate the general knowledge, attitudes, and practices of Mozambican physicians on palliative care. Methods Across–sectional observa...

Implementing malaria control in South Africa, Eswatini and southern Mozambique during the COVID-19 pandemic

S. Afr. med. j; 110 (11), 2020
The COVID-19 global pandemic reached South Africa (SA), Mozambique and Eswatini in March 2020.[1] Since then an exponential increase in SARS-CoV-2 infections has severely stretched SA’s healthcare system, especially in terms of in-hospital treatment of severe cases. The impact of COVID-19 in Mozambique...

Cancer in Mozambique: Results from two population-based cancer registries

Int. j. cancer; 147 (6), 2020
Results from two recently established population-based registries in Mozambique are reported: Beira in the central region (2014-2017) and Maputo, the capital city, in the South (2015-2017). The results are compared to those from Maputo (Lourenço Marques at the time) in 1956-1960 (appearing Cancer Incide...

Access to and use of health and social services among people who inject drugs in two urban areas of Mozambique, 2014: qualitative results from a formative assessment

BMC public health (Online); 20 (975), 2020
Background: Prior to 2014, data about health seeking behaviors or service uptake for People who inject drugs (PWID) in Mozambique did not exist. We present the results from the formative assessment component of the Biological and Behavioral Survey (BBS). Methods: Standardized interview guides were used d...

Obstetric fistula in southern Mozambique: a qualitative study on women’s experiences of care pregnancy, delivery and postpartum

Reprod. health; 17 (21), 2020
A fístula obstétrica continua a ser um problema de saúde comum em países de baixa e média renda, apesar das tendências de aumento dos partos institucionais nesses países. As circunstâncias socio-comportamentais em que a fístula ocorre, assim como suas consequências, são pouco documentadas, pri...

Directriz nacional para tratamento da tuberculose latente
National Guideline for the Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis

A Tuberculose Latente (TBL) é definida como um estado de resposta imunológica persistente à estimulação pelo antígeno do Mycobacterium tuberculosis sem evidência de manifestação clínica da doença activa. A probabilidade de progressão da infecção para doença activa depende de vários factor...

Quality of care and maternal mortality in a tertiary-level hospital in Mozambique: a retrospective study of clinicopathological discrepancies

Lancet Glob Health; 8 (7), 2020
Background Although an increasing number of pregnant women in resource-limited areas deliver in health-care facilities, maternal mortality remains high in these settings. Inadequate diagnosis and management of common life-threatening conditions is an important determinant of maternal mortality. We analys...

Saberes sobre a malária: um estudo qualitativo baseado no Distrito do Lago, Província de Niassa (Moçambique – África)
Knowledge about malaria: a qualitative study based in the District of Lago District, Niassa Province (Mozambique - Africa)

Vittalle; 32 (3), 2020
Em Moçambique a malária é responsável por 60% de todas as admissões pediátricas, por 40% do total de consultas e ainda por 30% de todas as mortes registadas nos hospitais (2).Com vista a reverter esse cenário, o governo moçambicano, por intermédio do Programa Nacional de Combate à Malária (PCN...

Programa sobre Saúde do Adolescente, Idoso e Outras Populações Vulneráveis
Program on Adolescent, Elderly and Other Populations' Health Vulnerable

Moçambique possui uma epidemia do HIV com uma prevalência nacional de 13.2% entre os adultos na faixa etária de 15-49 anos 1 e, estima-se que o país possui a oitava mais alta taxa de prevalência de HIV no mundo 2 . Os comportamentos heterossexuais de risco, incluindo parceiros múltiplos e concorren...