Results: 186

Material deaths in Mozambique an audit approach with special reference to adolescence, abortion and violence

the main purpose of the present thesis was to elucidate the causes and circunstances that surround maternal deaths occuring in hospital de Maputo (HCM). The specific aims were 1: to identify the major causes of direct and indirect maternal deaths, and by utilizing the audit approach, to address the avoid...

Maternal deaths in mozambique an audit approach with special reference to adolescence abortion and violence

The main purpose of the present thesis was to elucidate the cause and circumstances that surround maternal deaths occurring in Hospital Central de Maputo (HCM).The specific aims were 1. To identify the major causes of direct maternal deaths, and utilizing the audit approach to address the avoidability as...

Placental pathology in malaria: A histological, immunohistochemical, and quantitative study*

Hum. pathol; 31 (1), 2000
Para caracterizar as alterações histológicas nas placentas da malária e sua relação com a paridade e parasitemias maternas e medulares, realizamos um estudo histológico em 1.179 placentas de Ifakara, na Tanzânia, uma área com transmissão intensa e perene da malária. Estudos imuno-histoquímico...

The Microepidemiology of malaria in Matola, a Periurban Area of Maputo, Mozambique

Using a geographic information system (GIS), the microepidemiology of malaria was studied in an area of 8 square km in Matola, a densely populated periurban are of Maputo, southern Mozambique. Integrating data on the geographic location of the main mosquito breeding sites, the location and characteristic...

The microepidemiology of malaria in matola, a periurban area of maputo, mozambique

Using a geographic information system (GIS),the microepidemiology of malaria was studied in an area of 8 square km in Matola ,a densely populated periurban area of Maputo southern Mozambique. Integrating data on the geographic location and characteristics of the houses in the study area, and malariometri...

Estudo de comportamento de busca de cuidados em moçambique: relatório final e recomendações

Segundo o Relat6rio do UNICEF sobre a situação da criança no mundo, " dois quintos da população mundial, em 90 países da Africa Sub-Sahariana, Asia, América Central e América do Sul, esta em risco de contrair malaria. Pelo menos 300 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo sofre de febres, mal-estar g...

The impact of malaria on health of primary school children in mozambique

Malaria is one of the most important diseases among children in tropical Africa. Although the highest morbidity rate is observed in young children, older children attending primary still have level of parasite rats. It seems malaria may have some effects on school outcome measures, Such as increasing day...