O presente estudo tem como objetivo documentar um projeto feito no âmbito da área da saúde em Moçambique, o projeto SIFPO2, promovido pela Organização Não Governamental PSI (Population Services Intrenational) e pela USAID (Agência dos Estados Unidos para o Desenvolvimento Internacional) e levado ...
Na estrutura do Ministério da Saúde, o
Programa Nacional de Controlo de ITS-HIV/SIDA
(PNC ITS-HIV/SIDA) representa a unidade
técnica que assegura à gestão dos serviços de
saúde relacionados ao HIV, sendo sua missão
coordenar, regulamentar e prestar cuidados e
tratamento às pessoas vivendo ...
HIV Testing/trends,
Patients/statistics & numerical data,
Sexually Transmitted Diseases,
Sexually Transmitted Diseases/drug therapy,
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/epidemiology,
Sexually Transmitted Diseases/diagnosis,
Pregnant Women/education,
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome,
Health Information Systems,
Delivery of Health Care,
Anti-Retroviral Agents/therapeutic use
A partir de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os efeitos da pandemia da COVID-19, o artigo apresenta e analisa os dilemas bioéticos que surgem da necessidade de dedicar mais recursos sanitários ao controlo da mesma. Os esforços por controlar a propagação do SARS-CoV-2 significaram diminuição da at...
Health Systems/trends,
Delivery of Health Care,
Anti-Retroviral Agents,
Sexually Transmitted Diseases/complications,
Public Health,
Brooke, b d;
Raman, j;
Frean, j;
Rundle, k;
Maartens, f;
Misiani, e;
Mabuza, a;
Barnes, k I;
Moonasar, d p;
Dlamini, q;
Charles, s;
Blumberg, l.
The COVID-19 global pandemic reached South Africa (SA), Mozambique and Eswatini in March 2020.[1] Since then an exponential increase in SARS-CoV-2 infections has severely stretched SA’s healthcare system, especially in terms of in-hospital treatment of severe cases. The impact of COVID-19 in Mozambique...
Delivery of Health Care/trends,
Coinfection/drug therapy,
51607/prevention & control,
South Africa/epidemiology,
SARS-CoV-2/growth & development,
Movement/radiation effects,
Pandemics/prevention & control,
Atmospheric Precipitation,
A fístula obstétrica continua a ser um problema de saúde comum em países de baixa e média renda,
apesar das tendências de aumento dos partos institucionais nesses países. As circunstâncias socio-comportamentais
em que a fístula ocorre, assim como suas consequências, são pouco documentadas, pri...
Delivery of Health Care/standards,
Delivery, Obstetric/standards,
Health Facilities,
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice,
Middle Aged,
Health Services Accessibility,
Obstetric Labor Complications/prevention & control,
Patient Acceptance of Health Care/psychology,
Postpartum Period/psychology,
Prenatal Care/psychology,
Vesicovaginal Fistula/epidemiology,
Vesicovaginal Fistula/surgery
A Mineração Artesanal e de Pequena Escala de Ouro (MAPEO) é, em termos gerais, a exploração de pequenos depósitos de ouro por indivíduos, pequenos grupos ou pequenas cooperativas (1). A MAPEO é, geralmente, um trabalho intensivo com nenhuma ou limitada mecanização, e pode ter baixos índices de...
Diagnosis of Health Situation,
Local Health Strategies,
Waterborne Diseases/diagnosis,
Sexually Transmitted Diseases/diagnosis,
Sexually Transmitted Diseases/prevention & control,
Sexually Transmitted Diseases/drug therapy,
Waterborne Diseases/prevention & control,
Waterborne Diseases/drug therapy,
Mercury Poisoning, Nervous System/diagnosis,
Basic Sanitation/organization & administration,
Basic Sanitation/prevention & control,
Medical Assistance/trends,
Delivery of Health Care/trends,
: Malaria remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Mozambique. Increased investments
in malaria control have reduced the burden, but few studies have estimated the costs of malaria in the country. This
paper estimates the economic costs associated with malaria care to households and to the h...
Dube , Yolisa Prudence;
Ruktanonchai, Corrine Warren;
Sacoor, Charfudin;
Tatem, Andrew J;
Munguambe, Khatia;
Boene, Helena;
Vilanculo, Faustino Carlos;
Sevene 3, Esperança;
Matthews, Zoe;
Dadelszen, Peter von;
Makanga, Prestige Tatenda.
Background: Existence of inequalities in quality and access to healthcare services at subnational levels has been identified despite a decline in maternal and perinatal mortality rates at national levels, leading to the need to investigate such conditions using geographical analysis. The need to assess t...
The first pillar of the UNAIDS 90-90-90 goal seeks to accurately identify persons living with HIV (PLHIV), a process that is predicated on facilities having the necessary HIV tests available to perform the task. In many rural settings, the identification of PLHIV is accomplished through a two-step proces...
HIV Infections/diagnosis,
Health Facilities,
Point-of-Care Testing,
Reagent Kits, Diagnostic,
Delivery of Health Care,
Equipment and Supplies,
Rapid Diagnostic Tests