Abstract. Globally, approximately 5.9 million children under 5 years of age died in 2015, a reduction of over 50% since 1990. Millennium Development Goal 4 established the goal of reducing child mortality by two-thirds by 2015. Multiple countries have surpassed this goal; however, regional and within-cou...
After the decrease in clinical malaria incidence observed in Mozambique until 2009, a steady resurgence of cases per year has been reported nationally, reaching alarming levels in 2014. However, little is known about the clinical profile of the cases presented, or the possible epidemiological factors con...
As síndromes febris agudas são motivo frequente de procura por assistência médica. A inespecificidade da apresentação clínica inicial dos diversos agentes etiológicos e a possibilidade de coinfecções seguem como um desafio. Em Moçambique, o facto da malária por P.falciparum ser endémica difi...
Background: Group A streptococcal ß-hemolytic (GAS) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality among children and responsible for 20 – 30% of bacterial pharyngitis. Rare to few published data on the pattern of GAS epidemiology in Mozambique exists.
Objective: To Characterize the epidemiology of ...
Background: Protection against clinical malaria episodes is acquired slowly after frequent exposure to malaria parasites. This is reflected by a decrease with increasing age in both parasite density and incidence of clinical episodes. In many settings of stable malaria transmission, the presence...
We estimated the incidence of clinical malaria episodes by weekly home-based active case detection between December 1996 and July 1999 in 2 groups of children in Manhiça district in southern Mozambique. Cohort 1 comprised a random sample of children aged <10 years at recruitment and cohort 2 comprised n...
Segundo o Relat6rio do UNICEF sobre a situação da criança no mundo, " dois quintos da população mundial, em 90 países da Africa Sub-Sahariana, Asia, América Central e América do Sul, esta em risco de contrair malaria. Pelo menos 300 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo sofre de febres, mal-estar g...