Results: 37

A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of the Drivers of HIV Status Knowledge in Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Mozambique

In Mozambique, more than a million children are living with HIV or are otherwise vulnerable due to HIV. In response to this crisis, the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief funds programs that serve orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV and their families. These programs retain case wo...

Dispensa de antibióticos no distrito de manhiça: conhecimentos e atitudes dos provedores formais e informais
Dispensing antibiotics in the district of manhiça: knowledge and attitudes of formal and informal providers formal and informal providers

Introdução: Actualmente, os antibióticos constituem a classe de medicamentos mais consumidos no mundo. Apesar dos ganhos que o uso prudente de antibióticos possa ter na saúde dos indivíduos, a sua dispensa descontrolada e não apropriada representa uma ameaça grave à saúde pública, estando asso...

Medical curricula on intimate partner violence in mozambique

Acta med. port; 33 (1), 2020
Introduction: The aim of the study described in this paper is to screen medical curricula in relation to the attention paid to intimate partner violence, by applying a framework derived from the international literature. Material and Methods: We screened curricula of five Mozambican medical schools based...

“We have this, with my husband, we live in harmony”: exploring the gendered decision-making matrix for malaria prevention and treatment in Nampula Province, Mozambique

Malar. j. (Online); 19 (133), 2020
Background: Conceptualizing gender dynamics and ways of bridging entrenched gender roles will contribute to better health promotion, policy and planning. Such processes are explored in relation to malaria in Mozambique. Methods: A multi-method, qualitative study using focus group discussions (FGDs) and i...

Palliative care in Mozambique: Physicians' knowledge, attitudes and practices

PLos ONE; 15 (8), 2020
Background Palliative care is an essential part of medical practice but it remains limited, inaccessible, or even absent in low andmiddle income countries. Objectives Toevaluate the general knowledge, attitudes, and practices of Mozambican physicians on palliative care. Methods Across–sectional observa...

Community knowledge and practices regarding antibiotic use in rural Mozambique: where is the starting point for prevention of antibiotic resistance?

BMC public health (Online); 20 (1183), 2020
Background: Antibiotic misuse and other types of unnecessary use of antibiotics can contribute to accelerate the process of antibiotic resistance, which is considered a global concern, mostly affecting low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). In Mozambique there is limited evidence on community knowledge...

Obstetric fistula in southern Mozambique: a qualitative study on women’s experiences of care pregnancy, delivery and postpartum

Reprod. health; 17 (21), 2020
A fístula obstétrica continua a ser um problema de saúde comum em países de baixa e média renda, apesar das tendências de aumento dos partos institucionais nesses países. As circunstâncias socio-comportamentais em que a fístula ocorre, assim como suas consequências, são pouco documentadas, pri...

Patterns of self-medication with antibiotics in Maputo City: a qualitative study

Background: Mozambique classifies but does not yet enforce antibiotics as prescription-only-medicine (POM) allowing the public access to a variety of antibiotics that otherwise are provided on prescription. This contributes to the growing practice of self-medication with antibiotics (SMA) which systemati...

Gendered relationship between HIV stigma and HIV testing among men and women in Mozambique: a cross-sectional study to inform a stigma reduction and male-targeted HIV testing intervention

BMJ Open; 9 (10), 2019
Objectives: Increasing and sustaining engagement in HIV care for people living with HIV are critical to both individual therapeutic benefit and epidemic control. Men are less likely to test for HIV compared with women in sub-Saharan African countries, and ultimately have delayed entry to HIV care. Stigma...

Examining community perceptions of malaria to inform elimination efforts in Southern Mozambique: a qualitative study

Malar. j. (Online); 18 (232), 2019
Background: In a background of renewed calls for malaria eradication, several endemic countries in sub-Saharan Africa are contemplating malaria elimination nationally or sub-nationally. In Mozambique, a strategy to eliminate malaria in the south is underway in the context of low endemicity levels and cro...