Results: 271

Genetic Analysis and Natural Polymorphisms in HIV-1 gp41 Isolates from Maputo City, Mozambique

AIDS res. hum. retrovir; 30 (6), 2013
Enfuvirtide was the first fusion inhibitor approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2003 for HIV-1 infection in treatment-experienced patient. It is the first approved antiviral agent to attack the HIV life cycle in its early stages. For HIV fusion to occur, the HR1 and HR2 domains in the gp...

Breast milk and gut microbiota in African mothers and infants from an area of high HIV prevalence

PLos ONE; 8 (11), 2013
Human milk and infant gut microbiota are essential for the immune system maturation and protection against infections. There is scarce information on the microbiological composition of breast milk in general, and none from developing countries. The objective of the study was to characterize the breast mi...

Reduction of Maternal Mortality with Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy in a Large Cohort of HIV-Infected Pregnant Women in Malawi and Mozambique

PLos ONE; 8 (8), 2013
HIV infection is a major contributor to maternal mortality in resource-limited settings. The Drug Resource Enhancement Against AIDS and Malnutrition Programme has been promoting HAART use during pregnancy and postpartum for Prevention-of-mother-to-child-HIV transmission (PMTCT) irrespective of maternal C...

Educational Intervention Increased Referrals to Allopathic Care by Traditional Healers in Three High HIV-Prevalence Rural Districts in Mozambique

PLos ONE; 8 (8), 2013
Introduction: Delayed uptake of clinical services impedes favorable clinical outcomes in Mozambique. Care is delayed among patients who initiate care with traditional healers; patients with conditions like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or tuberculosis are rarely referred to the health system in a ti...

Evolution of primary HIV drug resistance in a subtype C dominated epidemic in Mozambique
Evolution of primary HIV drug resistance in a subtype C dominated epidemic in Mozambique

PLos ONE; 8 (7), 2013
Em Moçambique, o tratamento anti-retroviral altamente activo (HAART) foi introduzido em 2004, seguido de descentralização e expansão, resultando num aumento de mais de 20 vezes na cobertura até 2009. A implementação de inquéritos sobre limiares de resistência aos medicamentos contra o VIH (HIVDR...

Routine data from prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) HIV testing not yet ready for HIV surveillance in Mozambique: a retrospective analysis of matched test results

BMC infect. dis; 13 (244), 2013
Mozambique through the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) program. If routine data from this program were of sufficient quality, their heightened coverage and continuous availability could complement or even replace biannual sentinel serosurveys that currently serve as the primary HIV sur...

Determinants of prevalent HIV infection and late HIV diagnosis among young women with two or more sexual partners in Beira, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 8 (5), 2013
Background: The prevalence and determinants of HIV and late diagnosis of HIV in young women in Beira, Mozambique, were estimated in preparation for HIV prevention trials. Methods: An HIV prevalence survey was conducted between December 2009 and October 2012 among 1,018 women aged 18-35 with two or more ...

Avaliação do potencial papel do toxoplasma gondiina encefalite relacionada com infecção pelo HIV em doentes internados no hospital central de Maputo

Toxoplasmose é uma doença parasitária causada por Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii). O T. gondii, em pacientes imunocompetentes, geralmente causa infecções assintomáticas e latentes. Em doentes imunocomprometidos, a reactivação de toxoplasmose latente no Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC), pode causar doe...

Nevirapine versus efavirenz for patients co-infected with HIV and tuberculosis: a randomised non-inferiority trial

Lancet, Infect. dis.; 13 (4), 2013
In countries with a high incidence of HIV and tuberculosis co-infection, nevirapine and efavirenz are widely used as antiretroviral therapy but both interact with antituberculosis drugs. We aimed to compare efficacy and safety of a nevirapine-based antiretroviral therapy (started at full dose) with an ef...

Routine data from prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) HIV testing not yet ready for HIV surveillance in Mozambique: a retrospective analysis of matched test results

BMC infect. dis; 13 (96), 2013
Background: Opt-out HIV testing is offered at 70% of antenatal care (ANC) clinics in Mozambique through the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) program. If routine data from this program were of sufficient quality, their heightened coverage and continuous availability could complement or e...