Results: 37

A aplicação do MAIEC no contexto do Status Nutricional Infantil em Moçambique
The application of the MAIEC in the context of Child Nutritional Status in Mozambique

O presente documento é o relatório do estágio final do Curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem com Especialização em Enfermagem Comunitária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. O estágio foi realizado em Moçambique no contexto escolar de uma instituição local constituída por várias comunidades escol...

Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding antibiotic use in Maputo City, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 14 (8), 2019
Background Irrational use of antibiotics is a major driver of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) worldwide. Sub-Saharan Africa, where the risk of spread of AMR is highest, lacks data on the knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding antibiotic prescription and use. This is the first study in Mozambique toa...

Self-reported non-receipt of HIV test results: A silent barrier to HIV epidemic control in Mozambique

PLos ONE; 14 (10), 2019
Introduction: People living with HIV (PLHIV) and who are aware of their HIV status can access and benefit from antiretroviral therapy (ART) with subsequent individual and public health benefits; however, many PLHIV are unaware of their HIV status. We assessed the magnitude and determinants of self-report...

Conhecimento da serologia para o HIV e uso de preservativos entre as Mulheres Trabalhadoras de Sexo vivendo com o HIV em três zonas urbanas de Moçambique, 2011-2012

O presente trabalho trata-se de uma análise secundária de dados de inquéritos transversais realizados com Mulheres Trabalhadoras de Sexo, em Moçambique, em 2011-2012, o qual foi realizado em três áreas urbanas de Moçambique, Maputo, Beira e Nampula. A análise secundária foi desenvolvida em 2016,...

Healthcare providers' views and perceptions on post-mortem procedures for cause of death determination in Southern Mozambique

PLos ONE; 13 (7), 2018
Background: The minimally invasive autopsy (MIA) is being investigated as an alternative to the complete diagnostic autopsy (CDA), gold standard for CoD determination, in settings where CDA is unfeasible and/or unacceptable. We aimed to explore healthcare providers' views and perceptions on theoretical a...

Awareness of cervical cancer and willingness to be vaccinated against human papillomavirus in Mozambican adolescent girls

Papillomavirus Res; 5 (), 2018
Sub-Saharan Africa concentrates the largest burden of cervical cancer worldwide. The introduction of the HPV vaccination in this region is urgent and strategic to meet global health targets. This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Mozambique prior to the first round of the HPV vaccine demonstration...

Hypertension in Mozambique: trends between 2005 and 2015

J. hypertens; 36 (4), 2018
To assess the current prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of arterial hypertension in Mozambican population, including adolescents and young adults, and to appraise their trends over the past decade, for the 25–64 years old population. Methods: A cross-sectional study of a representative sam...

Hypertension in Mozambique: trends between 2005 and 2015

J. hypertens; 36 (4), 2018
To assess the current prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of arterial hypertension in Mozambican population, including adolescents and young adults, and to appraise their trends over the past decade, for the 25–64 years old population. A cross-sectional study of a representative sample of the...

Comunicação para a mudança social e de comportamento na luta contra a malária em Moçambique

Rev. saúde pública; 51 (), 2017
As redes mosquiteiras impregnadas com insecticidade de longa duração e/ou pulverização intra-domiciliária, associada ao manejo de casos são intervenções-chave no controlo da malária em África. O objetivo deste estudo foi comentar o papel da comunicação para a mudança social e de comportament...

Barriers and facilitators to health care seeking behaviours in pregnancy in rural communities of southern Mozambique

Reprod. health; 13 (1), 2016
Background: In countries, such as Mozambique, where maternal mortality remains high, the greatest contribution of mortality comes from the poor and vulnerable communities, who frequently reside in remote and rural areas with limited access to health care services. This study aimed to understand women's h...