Results: 32

Early antiretroviral therapy initiation: access and equity of viral load testing for HIV treatment monitoring

Lancet, Infect. dis.; 17 (1), 2017
Scaling up access to HIV viral load testing for individuals undergoing antiretroviral therapy in low-resource settings is a global health priority, as emphasised by research showing the benefits of suppressed viral load for the individual and the whole population. Historically, large-scale diagnostic tes...

Evaluation of the Whole-Blood Alere Q NAT Point-of-Care RNA Assay for HIV-1 Viral Load Monitoring in a Primary Health Care Setting in Mozambique

J. clin. microbiol; 54 (4), 2016
Viral load testing is the WHO-recommended monitoring assay for patients on HIV antiretroviral therapy (ART). Point-of-care (POC) assays may help improve access to viral load testing in resource-limited settings. We compared the performance of the Alere Q NAT POC viral load technology (Alere Technologies,...

Trends in Prevalence of HIV-1 Drug Resistance in a Public Clinic in Maputo, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 10 (7), 2015
Background: An observational study was conducted in Maputo, Mozambique, to investigate trends in prevalence of HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) in antiretroviral (ART) naïve subjects initiating highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART). Methodology/principal findings: To evaluate the pattern of drug res...

Incidence of HIV and the prevalence of HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis among youths in Maputo, Mozambique: a cohort study

PLos ONE; 10 (3), 2015
Background: Prevalence of HIV in Mozambique among individuals aged 15-49 years is 11.5%. The HIV prevalence is higher in women than in men across the country, peaking at ages 25-29 years and 35-39 years, respectively. In this study, we aimed at determining the prevalence and incidence of HIV, prevalence ...

Incidence of HIV and the prevalence of HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis among youths in Maputo, Mozambique: a cohort study

PLos ONE; 10 (3), 2015
Background: Prevalence of HIV in Mozambique among individuals aged 15-49 years is 11.5%. The HIV prevalence is higher in women than in men across the country, peaking at ages 25-29 years and 35-39 years, respectively. In this study, we aimed at determining the prevalence and incidence of HIV, prevalence ...

Directriz de implementação da carga viral de HIV em Moçambique

Em 1986 foi diagnosticado o primeiro caso de infecção pelo HIV em Moçambique. Actualmente, estima-se que cerca de 1.4 milhões de pessoas vivem com o HIV/ SIDA, sendo que destas, 200.000 são crianças (0-14 anos), 460.000 homens e 770.000 são mulheres1. De acordo com o Inquérito Nacional de Preval...

Perfil imunológico, virológico e expressão de CD38 pelas células TCD8; dos pacientes monoinfectados HIV-1 positivos e coinfectados HIV/TB seguidos no centro de saúde da polana caniço

Segundo OMS, em 2013 aproximadamente 35 milhões de pessoas no Mundo estavam infectadas pelo HIV e destes, aproximadamente 24,7 milhões viviam na África Subsariana. Em Moçambique, a prevalência é de 11,5% na população com 15-49 anos de idade. O aumento da prevalência do HIV na década de 80, prov...

Descrição das Características Clínico-Patológicas e de Expressão do HHV-8 em Pacientes com Sarcoma de Kaposi Atendidos no Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital Central de Maputo, Moçambique

O Sarcoma de Kaposi (SK) é um tumor vascular de baixo grau do sangue e dos vasos linfáticos, com evolução clínica muito variável, que frequentemente se apresenta na forma de lesões cutâneas; Histologicamente caracteriza-se por proliferação de vasos sanguíneos, de células fusiformes, inflamaç...

Scaling up HIV viral load - lessons from the large-scale implementation of HIV early infant diagnosis and CD4 testing

J. int. aids soc; 20 (7), 2012
The scale-up of effective HIV viral load (VL) testing is an urgent public health priority. Implementation of testing is supported by the availability of accurate, nucleic acid based laboratory and point-of-care (POC) VL technologies and strong WHO guidance recommending routine testing to identify treatme...

First report of occult hepatitis B infection amongARTnaïveHIVseropositive individuals in Maputo, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 7 (9), 2012
Background: The prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Mozambique is one of the highest in the world, though in spite of this the prevalence of occult hepatitis B infection (OBI) is unknown. Objectives: This study was conducted with the aim to ...