Results: 37

Health care utilization and attitudes survey in cases of moderate-to-severe diarrhea among children ages 0-59 months in the District of Manhica, southern Mozambique

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 89 (1), 2013
In the predominantly rural Manhiça district, in southern Mozambique, diarrhea is one of the leading causes of death among children under 5 years. Caretakers randomly selected from the Demographic Surveillance Database were invited to participate in a community-based survey on use of healthcare services ...

Consensus on context-specific strategies for reducing the stigma of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in Zambézia Province, Mozambique

Sahara J (Online); 10 (3-4), 2013
Stigma has been implicated in poor outcomes of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) care. Reducing stigma is important for HIV prevention and long-term treatment success. Although stigma reduction interventions are conducted in Mozambique, little is known about the...

Representações Sociais de Doença Mental: Um Estudo Exploratório com Leigos, Profissionais de Saúde e Curandeiros em Maputo

What is now referred to by western societies as mental illness, was - and in some way still is – understood along the centuries using different interpretations. Associated with each of these interpretations are specifically, an historic moment, and cultural meanings vast and complex. The concentrati...

HIV knowledge and health seeking behavior in Zambézia Province, Mozambique

Sahara J (Online); 9 (1), 2012
HIV prevalence rates in Zambézia Province were estimated to be 12.6% in 2009. A number of educational campaigns have been aimed at improving HIV transmission and prevention knowledge among community members in an effort to reduce infection rates. These campaigns have also encouraged people to seek healt...

A situação assistencial oftalmológica moçambicana
The ophthalmic care situation in Mozambique

Rev. oftalmol. (Lima); 34 (), 2010
A língua constitui um meio privilegiado e abrangente de comunicação. Povo que desperdiça as suas raízes linguísticas dissolve-se seguramente no anátema universal, perdendo a cultura e a identidade. A Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia ao procurar apoiar o desenvolvimento da Oftalmologia nos Paí...

Risk factors for incomplete vaccination and missed opportunity for immunization in rural Mozambique

Background Inadequate levels of immunization against childhood diseases remain a significant public health problem in resource-poor areas of the globe. Nonetheless, the reasons for incomplete vaccination and non-uptake of immunization services are poorly understood. This study aimed at finding out the re...

Community response to intermittent preventive treatment delivered to infants (IPTi) through the EPI system in Manhiça, Mozambique

Trop. med. int. health; 11 (11), 2006
Objective: To describe attitudes to the expanded programme on immunization (EPI) and intermittent preventive treatment in infants (IPTi), and perceptions of the relationship between them. In particular, whether the introduction of IPTi negatively affects community attitudes to, or use of, EPI; or, conver...