Results: 61

Uptake of intermittent preventive treatment and pregnancy outcomes: health facilities and community surveys in Chókwè district, southern Mozambique

Malar. j. (Online); 17 (1), 2018
Malaria in pregnancy leads to serious adverse effects on the mother and the child and accounts for 75,000-200,000 infant deaths every year. Currently, the World Health Organization recommends intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp) with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) at each sche...

Early diagnosis of preeclampsia using placental growth factor: An operational pilot study in Maputo, Mozambique

n well-resourced settings, reduced circulating maternal free placental growth factor (PlGF) aids in either predicting or confirming the diagnosis of preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, stillbirth, preterm birth, and delivery within 14 days of testing when pre-eclampsia is suspected. This operational ...

Estimating risk factors for HIV infection among women in Mozambique using population-based survey data

The use of population-based survey data together with sound statistical methods can enhance better estimation of HIV risk factors and explain variations across subgroups of the population. The distribution and determinants of HIV infection in populations must be taken into consideration. We analysed data...

Fatores de risco para lesões cervicais e câncer cervical em Mulheres com diagnóstico citológico de células escamosas Atípicas, maputo-moçambique, 2013 - 2015
Risk factors for cervical lesions and cervical cancer in women with cytological diagnosis of atypical squamous cells, maputo-mozambique, 2013 - 2015

Introdução: O diagnóstico e o rastreamento das lesões cervicais são de suma importância. O método padrão de rastreamento do câncer do colo do útero e de suas lesões precursoras é o exame citológico pelo método de Papanicolaou. Objetivos: Estimar a prevalência das lesões cervicais de baixo...

Epidemiology, clinical features and risk factors for human rabies and animal bites during an outbreak of rabies in Maputo and Matola cities, Mozambique, 2014: Implications for public health interventions for rabies control

Plos negl. trop. dis; 11 (7), 2017
Background: In Mozambique, the majority of rabies outbreaks are unreported and data on the epidemiological features of human rabies and animal bites are scarce. An outbreak of human rabies in adjacent Maputo and Matola cities in 2014 prompted us to investigate the epidemiology, clinical features and risk...

Infeções pelo Vírus de Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV), por Treponema pallidum e Vaginais em Mulheres Grávidas Utentes do Centro de Saúde de Maxixe, Moçambique

As infeções sexualmente transmissíveis, incluindo as vaginais estão entre os problemas de saúde pública mais comuns em todo o mundo. A infertilidade feminina e masculina, a transmissão de mãe para o filho, determinando perdas gestacionais ou doença congénita e o aumento do risco para a infe...

Prevalence of HIV and Associated Risk Factors Among Long Distance Truck Drivers in Inchope, Mozambique, 2012

AIDS behav; 20 (4), 2016
This is the first integrated biological and behavioral surveillance survey among long-distance truck drivers (LDTD) in Mozambique. Using modified time-location sampling in 2012 at a key transportation junction (Inchope), we enrolled 327 male LDTD. HIV prevalence was 15.4 % (95 % confidence interval : 11....

Men who have sex with men in Mozambique: identifying a hidden population at high-risk for HIV

AIDS behav; 19 (2), 2015
The population of men who have sex with men (MSM) has been largely ignored in HIV-related policies and programming in Mozambique and there is little information about the contribution of MSM to the HIV epidemic. An integrated biological and behavioral study among MSM using respondent-driven sampling was ...

Incidência e Caracterização da Nefropatia Diabética em Pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus do Tipo 2 Seguidos na Associação Moçambicana dos Diabéticos (AMODIA), Cidade de Maputo Fevereiro- Março 2015

A Nefropatia Diabética (ND) é a principal causa de insuficiência renal crónica, e uma das complicações microvascular crónica da Diabetes Mellitus (DM), cerca de 20-30% dos doentes com Diabetes Mellitus do Tipo 1 (DM1) e Diabetes Mellitus do tipo 2 (DM2) desenvolvem nefropatia. A microalbuminúria...

Incidência e Caracterização da Nefropatia Diabética em Pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus do Tipo 2 Seguidos na Associação Moçambicana dos Diabéticos (AMODIA), Cidade de Maputo Fevereiro- Março 2015

A Nefropatia Diabética (ND) é a principal causa de insuficiência renal crónica, e uma das complicações microvascular crónica da Diabetes Mellitus (DM), cerca de 20-30% dos doentes com Diabetes Mellitus do Tipo 1 (DM1) e Diabetes Mellitus do tipo 2 (DM2) desenvolvem nefropatia. A microalbuminúria...