Results: 48

Prevençao da Transmissao Vertical do HIV - Manual de Bolso

Moçambique enfrenta uma epidemia generalizada de HIV, com uma prevalência de 15% entre mulheres grávidas, o que se traduz em elevadas taxas de prevalência de transmissão vertical (TV), de mãe para filho. Nos últimos anos houve progressos consideráveis na prestação de serviços de prevenção e ...

High HIV incidence in the postpartum period sustains vertical transmission in settings with generalized epidemics: a cohort study in Southern Mozambique

J. int. aids soc; 17 (1), 2014
Introduction: Acute infection with HIV in the postpartum period results in a high risk of vertical transmission through breastfeeding. A study was done to determine the HIV incidence rate and associated risk factors among postpartum women in Southern Mozambique, where HIV prevalence among pregnant women ...

Reduction of Maternal Mortality with Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy in a Large Cohort of HIV-Infected Pregnant Women in Malawi and Mozambique

PLos ONE; 8 (8), 2013
HIV infection is a major contributor to maternal mortality in resource-limited settings. The Drug Resource Enhancement Against AIDS and Malnutrition Programme has been promoting HAART use during pregnancy and postpartum for Prevention-of-mother-to-child-HIV transmission (PMTCT) irrespective of maternal C...

Routine data from prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) HIV testing not yet ready for HIV surveillance in Mozambique: a retrospective analysis of matched test results

BMC infect. dis; 13 (244), 2013
Mozambique through the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) program. If routine data from this program were of sufficient quality, their heightened coverage and continuous availability could complement or even replace biannual sentinel serosurveys that currently serve as the primary HIV sur...

Routine data from prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) HIV testing not yet ready for HIV surveillance in Mozambique: a retrospective analysis of matched test results

BMC infect. dis; 13 (96), 2013
Background: Opt-out HIV testing is offered at 70% of antenatal care (ANC) clinics in Mozambique through the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) program. If routine data from this program were of sufficient quality, their heightened coverage and continuous availability could complement or e...

Factors Associated with Late Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation among Adults in Mozambique

Plos one; 7 (5), 2012
Despite recent changes to expand the ART eligibility criteria in sub-Saharan Africa, many patients still initiate ART in the advanced stages of HIV infection, which contributes to increased early mortality rates, poor patient outcomes, and onward transmission. To evaluate individual and clinic-level fact...

Human resources for health implications of scaling up for universal access to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care: mozambique rapid situational analysis

The Global Health Workforce Alliance (GHWA) Task Force commissioned a multicountry rapid situation analysis of the human resources for health (HRH) implications for scaling up to universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support. This report presents the findings and key messages for Mozam...