Results: 127

Spectrum of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive determinants of child undernutrition: a multisectoral cross-sectional study in rural Mozambique

Background: Despite an increasing need for multisectoral interventions and coordinations for addressing malnutrition, evidence-based multisectoral nutrition interventions have been rarely developed and implemented in low-income and middle-income countries. To identify key determinants of undernutrition f...

Geographic access to emergency obstetric services: a model incorporating patient bypassing using data from Mozambique
Geographic access to emergency obstetric services: a model incorporating patient bypassing using data from Mozambique

BMJ Glob Health; 4 (5), 2019
Targeted approaches to further reduce maternal mortality require thorough understanding of the geographic barriers that women face when seeking care. Common measures of geographic access do not account for the time needed to reach services, despite substantial evidence that links proximity with greater ...

How accurate are modelled birth and pregnancy estimates? Comparison of four models using high resolution maternal health census data in southern Mozambique

BMJ Glob Health; 4 (5), 2019
Background: Existence of inequalities in quality and access to healthcare services at subnational levels has been identified despite a decline in maternal and perinatal mortality rates at national levels, leading to the need to investigate such conditions using geographical analysis. The need to assess t...

Tipping the balance towards long-term retention in the HIV care cascade: A mixed methods study in southern Mozambique

PLoS One; 14 (9), 2019
Background: The implementation of quality HIV control programs is crucial for the achievement of the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets and to motivate people living with HIV (PLWHIV) to link and remain in HIV-care. The aim of this mixed method cross-sectional study was to estimate the linkage and long-term retenti...

Projecting the lives saved by continuing the historical scale-up of child and maternal health interventions in Mozambique until 2030

Background: Over the past 20 years, Mozambique has achieved substantial reductions in maternal, neonatal, and child mortality. However, mortality rates are still high, and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for maternal and child health, further gains are needed. One technique that can g...

A aplicação do MAIEC no contexto do Status Nutricional Infantil em Moçambique
The application of the MAIEC in the context of Child Nutritional Status in Mozambique

O presente documento é o relatório do estágio final do Curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem com Especialização em Enfermagem Comunitária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. O estágio foi realizado em Moçambique no contexto escolar de uma instituição local constituída por várias comunidades escol...

Postdischarge Mortality Prediction in Sub-Saharan Africa

Pediatrics; 143 (1), 2019
Background: Although the burden of postdischarge mortality (PDM) in low-income settings appears to be significant, no clear recommendations have been proposed in relation to follow-up care after hospitalization. We aimed to determine the burden of pediatric PDM and develop predictive models to identify c...

Trabalho Missionario na area de saude em Mocambique
Missionary work in the health sector in Mozambique

A desnutrição: conjunto de manifestações que ocorrem como resultado de alimentação pouca em quantidade ou variedade x necessidades ou doenças = diminuição das medidas corporais. Moçambique ocupa a posição 180 dentre os 189 países do mundo (IDH baixo = 0,437 - 2018). (ONU, 2019). Moçambique ...

Sistema de vigilancia de eventos vitais e causas de morte
Surveillance system for vital events and causes of death

Em janeiro de 2017, Moçambique lançou o sistema de vigilância de eventos vitais e causas de morte (comsa) para estabeleceu no sistema de registro por amostragem (SRS) para monitorar a mortalidade e as causas de morte. O instituto nacional de eeessstatisss555tiiica o instituto nacional da saúde com fi...

Third Tofo Advanced Study Week on Emerging and Re-emerging Viruses, 2018

Antivir. res; 162 (), 2019
The Third Tofo Advanced Study Week on Emerging and Re-Emerging Viruses (3rd TASW) was held in Praia do Tofo, Mozambique, from September 02 to 06, 2018. It brought together 55 participants from 10 African countries as well as from Belgium, China, Germany, Singapore, and the USA. Meeting sessions covered a...