Results: 73

Post-conflict rehabilitatiom of health services with reference of the Mozambique conflict

When Mozambique became independent in 1975, the country was one of the poorest countries in the world. Most of the people lived ~ in extreme poverty and were illiterate, with an illiteracy rate ' that was in between 85-90%;(UNDP,1993) The people suffered from preventable ,communicable diseases, with high...

Contexto social dos cuidados de saúde em Moçambique

Os principais factores externos ao sistema de saúde que determina a qualidade de vida em termos de saúde são os sistemas culturais, políticos e económicos, bem como ambiente físico e social de indivíduos ou grupos de indivíduos numa sociedade (Donald, P.l & Erickson, P. 1993, P. 45). Estas influ...