Results: 305

Determinants of Late HIV Presentation at Ndlavela Health Center in Mozambique

Background: There has been tremendous progress in the fight against HIV worldwide; however, challenges persist in the control of HIV infection. These challenges include the high prevalence of late presenters. There are many disadvantages of late presentation-from reduced survival of the infected person t...

Enterovirus detection in stool samples from Mozambican children with acute gastroenteritis

Acta trop.; 238 (106755), 2022
Enteroviruses (EV) are predominantly enteric viruses, present in all parts of the world causing disease in humans with a broad spectrum of clinical presentations. The purpose of this study was to identify non-polio enteroviruses (NPEV) in stool samples collected from children with acute gastroenteritis (...

Estudo piloto de tripanossomose em cães na região da ponta do ouro e machangulo, moçambique
Pilot study of trypanosomosis in dogs in the region of ponta do ouro and machangulo, mozambique

A Tripanossomose é uma doença causada por tripanossoma, protozoários flagelados transmitidos por moscas pertencentes ao género Glossina spp., vulgarmente chamadas moscas Tsé-Tsé. A distribuição geográfica da Tripanossomose observa-se sobretudo na África subsaariana, onde afeta quer humanos, cau...

Characterizing Undernourished Children Under-Five Years Old with Diarrhoea in Mozambique: A Hospital Based Cross-Sectional Study, 2015–2019

Nutrients; 14 (1164), 2022
Diarrhoea is associated with undernutrition and this association is related to increased morbidity and mortality in children under-five. In this analysis we aimed to assess the frequency and associated factors of undernutrition in children under-five with diarrhoea. A hospital-based cross-sectional study...

Molecular characterization of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli isolates from children with diarrhea: A cross-sectional study in four provinces of Mozambique: Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli in Mozambique

Int. j. infect. dis; 121 (), 2022
Analyze the frequency of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli (DEC) pathotypes and their antimicrobial resistance profiles among children aged <15 years with diarrhea in four Mozambican provinces. Methods: A cross-sectional hospital-based surveillance program of diarrhea was implemented in Maputo, Sofala, Zamb...

Assessment of diagnosis and treatment practices of diarrhoea in children under five in Maputo-Mozambique

Background: Although diagnosis and treatment of diarrhoea are considered easy, statistics show that 525,000 children worldwide die annually due to diarrhoea, 90% of the deaths are in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, and Mozambique account for 6.9%. Assessment of practices of diagnosis and treatment of ...

Known HIV status among adolescent women attending antenatal care services in Eswatini, Ethiopia and Mozambique

Reprod. health; 18 (90), 2021
Background: Antenatal care (ANC) clinics remain important entry points to HIV care for pregnant women living with HIV-including adolescents. Prior knowledge of their HIV status at ANC enrollment is crucial to providing services for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV. We examined kn...

Characterizing and mapping the spatial variability of HIV risk among adolescent girls and young women: A cross-county analysis of population-based surveys in Eswatini, Haiti, and Mozambique

PLos ONE; 16 (12), 2021
Background: To stem the HIV epidemic among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), prevention programs must target services towards those most at risk for HIV. This paper investigates approaches to estimate HIV risk and map the spatial heterogeneity of at-risk populations in three countries: Eswatini, H...

The impact of the caregiver mobility on child HIV care in the Manhiça District, Southern Mozambique: A clinical based study

PLos ONE; 16 (12), 2021
Introduction: Manhiça District, in Southern Mozambique harbors high HIV prevalence and a long history of migration. To optimize HIV care, we sought to assess how caregiver's mobility impacts children living with HIV (CLHIV)´s continuation in HIV care and to explore the strategies used by caregivers to ...

Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in HIV-infected pregnant women: protocol of a multicentre, two-arm, randomised, placebo-controlled, superiority clinical trial (MAMAH project)

BMJ Open; 11 (11), 2021
Introduction: Malaria infection during pregnancy is an important driver of maternal and neonatal health especially among HIV-infected women. Intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine is recommended for malaria prevention in HIV-uninfected women, but it is contr...