Results: 1531

Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde 2022–23 Relatório de Indicadores-Chave
Demographic and Health Survey 2022–23 Key Indicators Report

O Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde 2022–23 em Moçambique (IDS 2022–23) foi implementado pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE) em colaboração com Ministério da Saúde (MISAU) e o Instituto Nacional de Saúde (INS). A recolha de dados decorreu de 27 de Julho de 2022 a 27 de Fevereiro de ...

The impact of performance-based financing within local health systems: Evidence from Mozambique

Health econ; 32 (7), 2023
Most evidence on Performance Based Financing (PBF) in low-income settings has focused on services delivered by providers in targeted health administrations, with limited understanding of how effects on health and care vary within them. We evaluated the population effects of a program implemented in two p...

Quality of routine data for monitoring nutrition and diarrhoea indicators of children under 5 in Mozambique: an ecological study over a 5-year period

BMJ Open; 13 (7), 2023
Background: Undernutrition and diarrhoea have a high burden in children under 5 in low/middle-income countries. Having data-driven quality health services for these two diseases is key in order to address the high burden of diseases; therefore, health systems must provide data to monitor, manage, plan an...

Detecting temporal and spatial malaria patterns from first antenatal care visits

Nature communications; 14 (4004), 2023
Pregnant women attending first antenatal care (ANC) visits represent a promising malaria surveillance target in Sub-Saharan Africa. We assessed the spatio-temporal relationship between malaria trends at ANC (n = 6471) and in children in the community (n = 3933) and at health facilities (n = 15,467) in so...

B-cell immunity and vaccine induced antibody protection reveal the inefficacy of current vaccination schedule in infants with perinatal HIV-infection in Mozambique, Africa

EBioMedicine; 93 (104666), 2023
Despite antiretroviral treatment (ART), immune dysfunction persists in children with perinatal HIV infection (HEI). Here we investigated the impact of HIV status on maternal antibody (Ab) passage, long-term vaccine induced immunity and B-cell maturation. Methods: 46 HIV Exposed Uninfected (HEU), 43 HEI,...

Inquérito Nacional sobre o Impacto do HIV e SIDA em Moçambique (INSIDA 2021)
National Survey on the Impact of HIV and AIDS in Mozambique (INSIDA 2021

O Inquérito sobre o Impacto do HIV e SIDA em Moçambique (INSIDA 2021) foi um inquérito nacional baseado nos agregados familiares, conduzido entre Abril de 2021 e Fevereiro de 2022, visando medir o impacto da resposta nacional ao HIV. O INSIDA 2021 ofereceu aconselhamento e testagem de HIV com entrega ...

Atitude dos homens usuários dos serviços de saúde, no centro de saúde do chamanculo, em relação ao planeamento familiar
Attitude of male users of health services at the chamanculo health center towards family planning family planning

Introdução: As políticas em relação ao planeamento familiar, vem desde muito tempo se dedicando principalmente às mulheres, mesmo sabendo-se que os homens têm um papel importante a desempenhar neste sentido, podendo suas atitudes interferir, positiva ou negativamente, na decisão das suas companhe...

How point-of-care testing could drive innovation in global health

N. Engl. j. med; 368 (24), 2023
The investment in health services in low- and middle-income countries has increased substantially in recent years.1 Such investment has been led by unprecedented efforts to combat major diseases, enabled by the availability of lower-cost and effective drug regimens for treatment and prophylaxis, along wi...

Increased peripartum mortality associated with maternal subclinical malaria in Mozambique

Malar. j. (Online); 22 (182), 2023
Background: Plasmodium falciparum infection in pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa is often asymptomatic. As these forms of malaria are often submicroscopic and difficult to diagnose by conventional methods (microscopy and/or rapid diagnostic test), diagnosis requires the use of molecular techniques suc...

Measuring the burden of SARS-CoV-2 infection among persons living with HIV and healthcare workers and its impact on service delivery in Mozambique: protocol of a prospective cohort study

BMJ Open; 13 (6), 2023
Introduction: As COVID-19 continues to spread globally and within Mozambique, its impact among immunosuppressed persons, specifically persons living with HIV (PLHIV), and on the health system is unknown in the country. The 'COVid and hIV' (COVIV) study aims to investigate: (1) the seroprevalence and sero...