Results: 8

Prevalence and risk factors associated with hiv/hepatitis b and HIV/hepatitis C co infections among people who inject drugs in mozambique

Background: There is scare information about HIV co-infections with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and/or hepatitis C virus (HCV) among People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) in Mozambique. This information is critical to ensure the treatment necessary to decrease the progression of liver disease and the transmission o...

Women's experience of intimate partner violence and uptake of Antenatal Care in Sofala, Mozambique

PLoS One; 14 (5), 2019
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is associated with negative physical and mental health outcomes. Although maternal health services, especially antenatal care (ANC), can act as a link to IPV resources, women experiencing IPV likely have reduced uptake of ANC due to social and emotional barriers. Poor ANC ...

Trends in Prevalence of HIV-1 Drug Resistance in a Public Clinic in Maputo, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 10 (7), 2015
Background: An observational study was conducted in Maputo, Mozambique, to investigate trends in prevalence of HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) in antiretroviral (ART) naïve subjects initiating highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART). Methodology/principal findings: To evaluate the pattern of drug res...

Effect of point-of-care CD4 cell count tests on retention of patients and rates of antiretroviral therapy initiation in primary health clinics: an observational cohort study

Lancet; 378 (9802), 2011
Background: Loss to follow-up of HIV-positive patients before initiation of antiretroviral therapy can exceed 50% in low-income settings and is a challenge to the scale-up of treatment. We implemented point-of-care counting of CD4 cells in Mozambique and assessed the effect on loss to follow-up before im...

Syndromic management of sexually transmitted diseases at primary care level, Mozambique

Sex. transm. dis; 78 (1), 2002
To assess STD management in primary healthcare facilities where STD clinics and syndromic management guidelines had been introduced. Methods: In 26 health facilities in selected sites, we observed management of all STD patients presenting in the adult general or STD clinic. We assessed the referral syst...