Results: 4

Consistency of Multi-Month Antiretroviral Therapy Dispensing and Association with Viral Load Coverage among Pediatric Clients Living with HIV in Mozambique

With the increase in uptake of multi-month antiretroviral therapy dispensing (MMD) for children, little is known about consistency of MMD receipt over time and its association with virological outcomes. This analysis aims to assess the uptake of 3-month MMD among children, consistent receipt of MMD after...

Very low HIV positivity on paediatric surgical wards in Mozambique: Implications for inpatient provider-initiated testing programmes

To close diagnostic gaps for children living with HIV, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends routine opt-out provider-initiated testing and counselling (PITC) for inpatient wards in high-prevalence countries, which includes nucleic acid testing as part of Early Infant Diagnosis (EID) programmes ...

Drugs without Doctors The Human Resource Challenges of Scaling Up Anti-Retroviral Therapy in High-Prevalence, Resource-Poor Settings

ART has the potential to transform the experience of living with HIV/AIDS in countries such as Mozambique with 1.4 million HIV-positive people, more than 300,000 of whom are presently in need of treatment. Since 2004, the Mozambican government, with the support of the international community, has been pu...

Arte, ciência e saúde num só
Art, science and health in one

A arte e saúde caminham juntos desde a pre história quando o homem primitivo tinha que tomar várias iniciativas para a sua sobrevivência. Os desenhos encotrados em várias grutas atestam a crença segundo a qual, antes de partir para a caça, este acto, era primeiro materializado artisticamente nasro...