Results: 2

Covid-19: produto interno bruto, número de testes e de casos confirmados em 13 países africanos
Covid-19: Gross Domestic Product, Number of Tests and Confirmed Cases in 13 African Countries

Introdução: Nos países africanos, a capacidade financeira de aquisição de testes, representada pelo produto interno bruto (PIB) per capita pode-se reflectir na aquisição e num consequente aumento de registo de casos positivos, criando uma falsa impressão de que quanto mais rico o país maior a fr...

Challenges and facilitators to evidence-based decision-making for maternal and child health in Mozambique: district, municipal and national case studies
Challenges and facilitators to evidence-based decision-making for maternal and child health in Mozambique: district, municipal and national case studies

The need for evidence-based decision-making in the health sector is well understood in the global health community. Yet, gaps persist between the availability of evidence and the use of that evidence. Most research on evidence-based decision-making has been carried out in higher-income countries, and mos...