Results: 3

Feasibility of task-sharing with community health workers for the identification, emergency management and referral of women with pre-eclampsia, in Mozambique

Reprod. health; 18 (145), 2021
Background Maternal mortality is an important public health problem in low-income countries. Delays in reaching health facilities and insufficient health care professionals call for innovative community-level solutions. There is limited evidence on the role of community health workers in the management o...

Usability and Feasibility of an Innovative mLearning Approach for Nurses Providing Option B+ Services in Manica and Sofala Provinces, Mozambique

The scaling of Option B+ services, whereby all pregnant women who test HIV positive are started on lifelong antiretroviral therapy upon diagnosis regardless of CD4 T-cell count, is ongoing in many high HIV burden, low-resource countries. We developed and evaluated a tablet-based mobile learning (mLearnin...