Results: 3

Early antiretroviral therapy initiation: access and equity of viral load testing for HIV treatment monitoring

Lancet, Infect. dis.; 17 (1), 2017
Scaling up access to HIV viral load testing for individuals undergoing antiretroviral therapy in low-resource settings is a global health priority, as emphasised by research showing the benefits of suppressed viral load for the individual and the whole population. Historically, large-scale diagnostic tes...

Evaluation of the Whole-Blood Alere Q NAT Point-of-Care RNA Assay for HIV-1 Viral Load Monitoring in a Primary Health Care Setting in Mozambique

J. clin. microbiol; 54 (4), 2016
Viral load testing is the WHO-recommended monitoring assay for patients on HIV antiretroviral therapy (ART). Point-of-care (POC) assays may help improve access to viral load testing in resource-limited settings. We compared the performance of the Alere Q NAT POC viral load technology (Alere Technologies,...

Determinants of virological failure and antiretroviral drug resistance in Mozambique

J. antimicrob. chemother; 70 (9), 2015
Objectives: The objective of this study was to inform public health actions to limit first-line ART failure and HIV drug resistance in Mozambique. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. HIV-1-infected adults on first-line ART for at least 1 year attending routine visits in the Manhiça District Hospi...