Results: 3

Annual home-based HIV testing in the Chókwè Health Demographic Surveillance System, Mozambique, 2014 to 2019: serial population-based survey evaluation

J. int. aids soc; 24 (7), 2021
Introduction: WHO recommends implementing a mix of community and facility testing strategies to diagnose 95% of persons living with HIV (PLHIV). In Mozambique, a country with an estimated 506,000 undiagnosed PLHIV, use of home-based HIV testing services (HBHTS) to help achieve the 95% target has not been...

A Escola como lugar de educação para saúde: Estudo de caso
The school as a place of education for health: a case study

Este documento corresponde a uma investigação elaborada no âmbito do curso de doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, na área de aprofundamento da Pedagogia Social, na Universidade Católica Portuguesa, abordando o tema Escola como lugar de educação para a saúde, tendo por base um estudo de caso ...

Ownership and usage of insecticide-treated bed nets after free distribution via a voucher system in two provinces of Mozambique

Malar. j. (Online); 9 (), 2010
Insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) are an efficacious intervention for malaria prevention. During a national immunization campaign in Mozambique, vouchers, which were to be redeemed at a later date for free ITNs, were distributed in Manica and Sofala provinces. A survey to evaluate ITN ownership and usa...