Results: 8

Mosaic HIV-1 vaccine regimen in southern African women (Imbokodo/HVTN 705/HPX2008): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2b trial

Background: HIV type 1 (HIV-1) remains a global health concern, with the greatest burden in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite 40 years of research, no vaccine candidate has shown durable and protective efficacy against HIV-1 acquisition. Although pre-exposure prophylaxis in groups with high vulnerability can b...

Two Randomized Trials of Neutralizing Antibodies to Prevent HIV-1 Acquisition

N. Engl. j. med; 384 (11), 2021
BACKGROUND—Whether a broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb) can be used to prevent human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) acquisition is unclear. METHODS—We enrolled at-risk cisgender men and transgender persons in the Americas and Europe in the HVTN 704/HPTN 085 trial and at-risk women in sub-Sah...

High level of HIV false positives using EIA-based algorithm in survey: Importance of confirmatory testing

PLos ONE; 15 (10), 2020
Effective implementation of the national Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) programs require monitoring the HIV epidemic trends to identify programmatic successes, challenges, and needed improvements. HIV prevalence estimates, defined as the percentage of a population affected by HIV, are calculated by t...

Directriz nacional para tratamento da tuberculose latente
National Guideline for the Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis

A Tuberculose Latente (TBL) é definida como um estado de resposta imunológica persistente à estimulação pelo antígeno do Mycobacterium tuberculosis sem evidência de manifestação clínica da doença activa. A probabilidade de progressão da infecção para doença activa depende de vários factor...

Regulatory T cell abundance and activation status before and after priming with HIVIS-DNA and boosting with MVA-HIV/rgp140/GLA-AF may impact the magnitude of the vaccine-induced immune responses

Immunobiol., Suppl; 223 (12), 2018
Little is known about regulatory CD4 T cells (Tregs) in the context of HIV vaccines. Tregs can be differentiated into resting (FoxP3+CD45RA+ - rTregs), activated (FoxP3HighCD45RA- - aTregs) and memory (FoxP3LowCD45RA- - mTregs). Tregs, as CD4 T cells, are also frequent targets for HIV infection. We studi...

Intradermal HIV-1 DNA immunization using needle-free zetajet injection followed by HIV-modified Vaccinia virus ankara vaccination is safe and immunogenic in Mozambican young adults: A Phase i randomized controlled trial

AIDS res. hum. retrovir; 34 (2), 2018
According to UNAIDS, there were a total of 36.7 million people living with HIV and 2.1 million new infections in 2015. Eastern and Southern Africa continues to be most severely affected, accounting for 51.7% of the total global infections. Antiretroviral therapy has contributed to slowing the HIV epidemi...

Recent progress in immune-based interventions to prevent HIV-1 transmission to children

J. int. aids soc; 20 (4), 2017
Globally, 150,000 new paediatric human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infections occurred in 2015. There remain complex challenges to the global elimination of paediatric HIV-1 infection. Thus, for the global community to achieve elimination of new paediatric HIV-1 infections, innovative approache...

Frequency of human immunodeficiency virus type-2 in hiv infected patients in Maputo City, Mozambique

Virol. j; 8 (408), 2011
The HIV/AIDS pandemic is primarily caused by HIV-1. Another virus type, HIV-2, is found mainly in West African countries. We hypothesized that population migration and mobility in Africa may have facilitated the introduction and spreading of HIV-2 in Mozambique. The presence of HIV-2 has important implic...