Results: 21

The association between infrastructure damage in the aftermath of Cyclone Idai and malaria risk in Sofala Province, Mozambique: an ecological study

Malar. j. (Online); 23 (1), 2024
Background: In April 2019, Mozambique was hit by Cyclone Idai leaving substantial damage to infrastructure and nearly two million people in need of humanitarian assistance. Malaria risk has been associated with living in a rural setting, vicinity to water, and household structure, all factors which are i...

Association between antenatal care facility readiness and provision of care at the client level and facility level in five low- and middle-income countries

Background: Despite growing interest in monitoring improvements in quality of care, data on service quality in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) is limited. While health systems researchers have hypothesized the relationship between facility readiness and provision of care, there have been f...


A gestão de saúde é uma função básica do processo administrativo que optimiza a unidade sanitária para uma demanda de necessidades de cuidados de saúde usando os instrumentos de gestão de forma objetiva, permitindo uma adequada planificação, tomada de decisão para uma gestão de forma efic...

Managers’ and providers’ perspectives on barriers and facilitators for the implementation of differentiated service delivery models for HIV treatment in Mozambique: a qualitative study

J. int. aids soc; 26 (3), 2023
In 2018, Mozambique's Ministry of Health launched a guideline for a nationwide implementation of eight differentiated service delivery models to optimize HIV service delivery and achieve universal coverage of HIV care and treatment. The models were (1) Fast‐track, (2) Three‐month Antiretrovirals Disp...

"If it weren't for my traditional healer, I would be dead": Engaging traditional healers to support people living with HIV in rural Mozambique

PLos ONE; 17 (6), 2022
Across rural sub-Saharan Africa, people living with HIV (PLHIV) commonly seek out treatment from traditional healers. We report on the clinical outcomes of a community health worker intervention adapted for traditional healers with insight into our results from qualitative interviews. We employed a pre-p...

How prepared is Mozambique to treat COVID-19 patients? A new approach for estimating oxygen service availability, oxygen treatment capacity, and population access to oxygen-ready treatment facilities

Int. j. equity health; 20 (1), 2021
Background: This study aims to assess the COVID-19 response preparedness of the Mozambican health system by 1) determining the location of oxygen-ready public health facilities, 2) estimating the oxygen treatment capacity, and 3) determining the population coverage of oxygen-ready health facilities in Mo...

National TB program shortages as potential factor for poor-quality TB care cascade: healthcare workers’ perspective from Beira, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 15 (10), 2020
Background Mozambique is one of the countries with the deadly implementation gaps in the tuberculosis (TB) care and services delivery. In-hospital delays in TB diagnosis and treatment, transmission and mortality still persist, in part, due to poor-quality of TB care cascade. Objective We aimed to assess,...

Limitations to current methods to estimate cause of death: a validation study of a verbal autopsy model

Gates Open Res; 16 (1), 2020
Background: Accurate information on causes of death (CoD) is essential to estimate burden of disease, track global progress, prioritize cost-effective interventions, and inform policies to reduce mortality. In low-income settings, where a significant proportion of deaths take place at home or in poorly-r...

Obstetric fistula in southern Mozambique: a qualitative study on women’s experiences of care pregnancy, delivery and postpartum

Reprod. health; 17 (21), 2020
A fístula obstétrica continua a ser um problema de saúde comum em países de baixa e média renda, apesar das tendências de aumento dos partos institucionais nesses países. As circunstâncias socio-comportamentais em que a fístula ocorre, assim como suas consequências, são pouco documentadas, pri...

Quality of malaria services offered in public health facilities in three provinces of Mozambique: a cross-sectional study

Malar. j. (Online); 18 (162), 2019
Background: Fever associated with malaria is the leading cause of health care-seeking in Mozambique, yet there is limited evidence on the quality of malaria case management. This study evaluated the quality of malaria service provision offered in public health facilities in Mozambique. Methods: A cross-s...