Results: 4

Plano de acção multissectorial para melhorar a resposta dos programas de redução e prevenção da desnutrição: Distrito de montepuez província de cabo delgado
Multisectoral action plan to improve the response of programs to reduce and prevent malnutrition: montepuez district cabo delgado province

Como parte das actividades planificadas do Convénio de Nutrição, “Melhorar a saúde da população, com incidência nos seus Determinantes Sociais e especial enfoque na nutrição, através do fortalecimento dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários como a melhor estratégia para garantir o Direito à Saúd...

Quasi-experimental evaluation using confirmatory procedures: A case study of an economic and social empowerment intervention to reduce girls' vulnerability to HIV in rural Mozambique

Eval. program plan. (Online); 77 (101721), 2019
Purpose: Our goal was to determine whether an economic and social empowerment intervention implemented in Zambézia Province, Mozambique reduced girls’ vulnerability to HIV. We use this experience to discuss challenges of evaluating real-world interventions. Methods: Two rounds of data were collected f...

Rethinking integrated nutrition-health strategies to address micronutrient deficiencies in children under five in Mozambique

Matern. child nutr; 15 (1), 2019
In Mozambique, about two thirds of children 6-59 months of age are affected by vitamin A deficiency and anaemia. The objective of this case study is to provide programme considerations for planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating vitamin A and iron deficiency interventions within the context of...

Syndromic management of sexually transmitted diseases at primary care level, Mozambique

Sex. transm. dis; 78 (1), 2002
To assess STD management in primary healthcare facilities where STD clinics and syndromic management guidelines had been introduced. Methods: In 26 health facilities in selected sites, we observed management of all STD patients presenting in the adult general or STD clinic. We assessed the referral syst...