Results: 3

Monitoria e avaliação dos programas do pav e smi a nível distrital no actual contexto do sistema de informação para a saúde: análise de desafios e propostas de solução

O Programa de Saúde Materno-Infantil (SMI) e o Programa Alargado de Vacinação (PAV), integrantes na estratégia dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários (CSP), constituem um importante contributo para a redução da mortalidade Materna e Infantil. O estudo fez a análise do processo de monitoria e avaliaçã...

Challenges to the Scaling of Computer- Based Patient Record System for Antiretroviral Therapy Program in Ethiopia

Drawing upon interpretive paradigm and an action research approach, this study investigated the challenges to the scaling of computer-based health information systems in the public health sector of Ethiopia. The research was situated within a broader action research project by HISP (Health Information Sy...

The status of health management and information management in the mozambican health districts: overview and preliminary findings

An old tradition in the Mozambican health system is the appointment of doctors to perform both clinical and managerial tasks in the health districts. As a consequence, a paradox embedded with conflict and potential arises when we take into account the often neglected but essential role of the districts i...