Results: 2

Affordable CD4(+)-T-cell counting by flow cytometry: CD45 gating for volumetric analysis

The flow cytometers that are currently supported by industry provide accurate CD4(+)-T-cell counts for monitoring human immunodeficiency virus disease but remain unaffordable for routine service work under resource-poor conditions. We therefore combined volumetric flow cytometry (measuring absolute lymph...

CD45-assisted PanLeucogating for accurate, cost-effective dual-platform CD4+ T-cell enumeration

Cytometry, Part A; 50 (2), 2002
Background: North American and European guidelines for dual-platform (DP) flow cytometry recommendabsolute CD4 T-cell counts to be calculated from two parameters: the absolute lymphocyte counts obtainedon a hematology analyzer and the percentages of CD4 cells among lymphocytes (CD4%/lympho) obtainedby fl...