Background: Undernutrition and diarrhoea have a high burden in children under 5 in low/middle-income countries. Having data-driven quality health services for these two diseases is key in order to address the high burden of diseases; therefore, health systems must provide data to monitor, manage, plan an...
A saúde é a condição essencial para o desenvolvimento dos indivíduos, das comunidades e do país no geral. O presente plano estratégico do sector da saúde (PESS) reflecte a ambição desse desenvolvimento, expressa, de forma inequívoca, nos propósitos contidos no âmbito da visão, missão e pri...
Objective: To describe the burden, clinical characteristics and prognostic factors of severe malnutrition in children under the age of 5 years.
Design: Retrospective study of hospital-based data systematically collected from January 2001 to December 2010.
Setting: Rural Mozambican district hospital.