Report on the evaluation of the vitamin A supplementation intervention in primary health care in the provinces of sofala, manica, tete, zambezia and nampula
A deficiência de vitamina A (DVA) é um problema de grande interesse em saúde pública, visto
que, afecta em todo o mundo, aproximadamente 19 milhões de mulheres grávidas e 190 milhões de crianças em idade pré-escolar, sendo a maioria nas regiões da África e Sudoeste da
Ásia (OMS, 2013). Global...
Este documento apresenta o Plano Nacional de Vacinação contra a COVID-19 em Moçambique. A introdução de uma vacina segura e eficaz representa uma prioridade nacional para aliviar o
impacto negativo da pandemia da COVID-19 a nível do sistema sanitário e socioeconómico. Na fase actual da pandemia,...
In Mozambique, the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) was implemented in 1979 with the objective of reducing child mortality and morbidity through the provision of immunization services. This study aims to describe the characteristics of the EPI and review the available information related to immuniz...
Background: Over the past four decades, the World Health Organization established the Expanded Programme on
Immunization (EPI) to foster universal access to all relevant vaccines for all children at risk. The success of this
program has been undeniable, but requires periodic monitoring to ensure that cov...
Vaccines are an effective public health measure. Vaccination coverage has improved in Africa in the last decades but has still not reached WHO/UNICEF target of at least 90% first-dose coverage for vaccines in the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) implemented in Mozambique in 1979. There are concer...
Background: The optimum age for measles vaccination varies from country to country and thus a standardized vaccination schedule is controversial. While the increase in measles vaccination coverage has produced significant changes in the epidemiology of infection, vaccination schedules have not been adjus...