Results: 14

Efeitos dasMedidas restritivas de combate à covid-19 no cumprimento das rotinas de tratamento do hiv no centro de saúde de moamba
Effects of restrictive measures to combat covid-19 on compliance with hiv treatment routines at the moamba health center

Em países economicamente fragilizados, com alta prevalência de infecções por vírus de imunodeficiência humana, as medidas de saúde pública e administrativas adoptadas para prevenir, controlar e conter a propagação da pandemia da COVID-19 representaram ameaça às actividades de controlo e manej...

Mental health and ART adherence among adolescents living with HIV in Mozambique

AIDS care; 32 (2), 2023
Little is known about the mental health needs of adolescents living with HIV (ALWH) in Mozambique, including the potential relationship between mental health challenges and poor antiretroviral treatment (ART) adherence. We examined mental health problems (anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disord...

Caregivers’ psychosocial assessment for identifying HIV infected infants at risk of poor treatment adherence: an exploratory study in southern Mozambique

AIDS care; 35 (1), 2022
Psychosocial support (PSS) to caregivers of HIV-infected infants on antiretroviral treatment (ART) is crucial to ensure ART adherence and sustained long-term viral suppression in children. A specific approach including tools to monitor and understand adherence behavior and risk factors that prevent optim...

Human-Centered Design for Public Health Innovation: Codesigning a Multicomponent Intervention to Support Youth Across the HIV Care Continuum in Mozambique

Glob. health sci. pract; 10 (22), 2022
Adolescents and young people represent a growing proportion of people living with HIV (AYAHIV), and there is an urgent need to design, implement, and test interventions that retain AYAHIV in care. Using a human-centered design (HCD) approach, we codesigned CombinADO, an intervention to promote HIV viral ...

Experiências e percepções sobre o HIV e sua influência na adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral em utentes policiais atendidos no centro de saúde do bairro de fomento província de Maputo em 2010

A polícia é uma força de defesa e segurança da soberania nacional susceptível as infecções por HIV. Sendo assim, a presente dissertação intutulada, “Experiências e percepções sobre a adesão ao tratamento antiretroviral em utentes do centro de saúde da polícia do bairro do fomento, na pro...

Characteristics of adolescents aged 15-19 years living with vertically and horizontally acquired HIV in Nampula, Mozambique

PLoS One; 16 (4), 2021
Background: Adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV) 15-19 years of age are a growing proportion of all people living with HIV globally and the population includes adolescents with vertically acquired HIV (AVH) and behaviorally acquired HIV (ABH). Methods: We conducted a survey to measure sociodemographic ch...

Analise de uma coorte de pacientes que iniciaram o tratamento anirotroviral no ano 2017 - retencao avaliada aos 6, 12 e 18 meses

Em 2018 Moçambique contava com cerca de 2.2 milhões de pessoas vivendo com HIV (PVHIV), e destas 55% (1.212.562) eram pacientes activos em Tratamento Antiretroviral (TARV), segundo as estimativas de modelagem do Programa Conjunto das Nações Unidas para HIV/SIDA (ONUSIDA) de 2019. Um dos maiores desaf...

Community knowledge and practices regarding antibiotic use in rural Mozambique: where is the starting point for prevention of antibiotic resistance?

BMC public health (Online); 20 (1183), 2020
Background: Antibiotic misuse and other types of unnecessary use of antibiotics can contribute to accelerate the process of antibiotic resistance, which is considered a global concern, mostly affecting low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). In Mozambique there is limited evidence on community knowledge...

Desafios para a Adesão ao TARV na Perspectiva dos Profissionais do Sistema de Saúde de Moçambique

Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi compreender quais são os principais desafios para adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral em Moçambique na perspectiva dos profissionais de saúde que lidam com a temática do HIV/aids no país. O estudo é qualitativo, observacional e exploratório. Entrevistas semiestrut...

Mozambique’s Community Antiretroviral Therapy Support Group Program: The Role of Social Relationships in Facilitating HIV/ AIDS Treatment Retention

AIDS behav; 23 (9), 2019
The Community Antiretroviral (ARV) Therapy Support Group (CASG) program aims to address low retention rates in Mozambique’s HIV treatment program and the absorptive capacity of the country’s health facilities. CASG provides patients with the opportunity to form groups, whose members provide peer supp...