Results: 3

The preoperative risk tool SURPAS accurately predicts outcomes in emergency surgery

Am. j. surg; 222 (3), 2021
O Sistema de Avaliação Pré-operatória de Risco Cirúrgico (SURPAS) utiliza oito variáveis para prever com precisão complicações pós-operatórias , mas não foi suficientemente estudado em cirurgia de emergência. Avaliamos o SURPAS em cirurgia de emergência, comparando-o com o Emergency Surgery...

Scaling-up health information systems to improve HIV treatment: An assessment of initial patient monitoring systems in Mozambique

AIDS res. ther; 97 (322), 2016
Introduction—The rapid scale-up of HIV care and treatment in resource-limited countries requires concurrent, rapid development of health information systems to support quality service delivery. Mozambique, a country with an 11.5% prevalence of HIV, has developed nation-wide patient monitoring systems (...

An assessment of the accuracy and availability of data in electronic patient tracking systems for patients receiving HIV treatment in central Mozambique

Since the rapid scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) programs in sub-Saharan Africa, electronic patient tracking systems (EPTS) have been deployed to respond to the growing demand for program monitoring, evaluation and reporting to governments and donors. These routinely collected data are often used...