Results: 2

Putative pathogen-selected polymorphisms in the PKLR gene are associated with mycobacterial susceptibility in Brazilian and African populations

PLoS Negl Trop Dis; 15 (8), 2021
Investigation of human genes under pathogen-driven selection as Plasmodium sp. has pinpointed genetic variants that participate in the adaptation to the environment and/or are related to severities of human diseases. The current study examined an example of an evolutionary trade-off in which genetic vari...

Estando de polimorfismos dos genes pklr e vdr na população de moçambique

As doenças infecciosas constituem um dos principais problemas de saúde no continente Africano especialmente na África sub-Sahariana, da qual Moçambique faz parte. A participação de factores genéticos na susceptibilidade dos humanos as doenças infecciosas é um facto. A identificação de marcador...