Results: 22

HIV retesting for pregnant and breastfeeding women across maternal child health services in Nampula, Mozambique

PLos ONE; 18 (3), 2023
Background: Repeat HIV testing during pregnancy and breastfeeding identifies women with incident infections, those living with HIV who have been lost to care, and infants at risk for HIV infection. We report data from repeat testing for women in maternal and child health (MCH) services at 10 health facil...

Clinical and epidemiological aspects of SARS-CoV-2 infection among pregnant and postpartum women in Mozambique: a prospective cohort study

Reprod. health; 19 (1), 2022
Although there is a significant increase of evidence regarding the prevalence and impact of COVID-19 on maternal and perinatal outcomes, data on the effects of the pandemic on the obstetric population in sub-Saharan African countries are still scarce. Therefore, the study aims were to assess the prevalen...

The effect of a Mentor Mothers program on prevention of vertical transmission of HIV outcomes in Zambézia Province, Mozambique: a retrospective interrupted time series analysis

J. int. aids soc; 25 (6), 2022
Introduction: Mentor Mothers (MM) provide peer support to pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV (PPWH) and their infants with perinatal HIV exposure (IPE) throughout the cascade of prevention of vertical transmission (PVT) services. MM were implemented in Zambézia Province, Mozambique starting ...

Perceptions of barriers and facilitators to implement programs for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-Mozambique

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 56 (2022), 2022
Objectivo: To understand the perspectives of pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV in Sofala, Mozambique, regarding barriers and facilitators to following Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) recommendations. Method: Qualitative study conducted in three health centers and with a pee...

Known HIV status among adolescent women attending antenatal care services in Eswatini, Ethiopia and Mozambique

Reprod. health; 18 (90), 2021
Background: Antenatal care (ANC) clinics remain important entry points to HIV care for pregnant women living with HIV-including adolescents. Prior knowledge of their HIV status at ANC enrollment is crucial to providing services for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV. We examined kn...

Evaluation of prevention of mother-to-child transmission national health information system for HIV/AIDS, in southern region of Mozambique, April to November 2016

Pan Afr. med. j; 38 (26), 2021
Mozambique has a generalized HIV epidemic, among pregnant women, HIV prevalence is estimated at 15.8% with a vertical transmission rate of 14%, more than double global targets. We evaluate electronic national health information system (SIS-MA) performance to verify if the data flow procedures met its obj...

HIV Encephalopathy in ART-Naïve, Hospitalized Infants in Mozambique

Introduction: The neurodevelopmental impact of HIV infection in older children has been welldescribed, with characterization of HIV-associated encephalopathy (HIVE) and associated cognitive defects. HIVE is relatively common in older children who were vertically infected. The sparse literature on HIVE in...

Community-based progress indicators for prevention of mother-to-child transmission and mortality rates in HIV-exposed children in rural Mozambique

Background: Eliminating mother-to-child HIV-transmission (EMTCT) implies a case rate target of new pediatric HIV-infections< 50/100,000 live-births and a transmission rate < 5%. We assessed these indicators at community-level in Mozambique, where MTCT is the second highest globally.. Methods: A cross-sec...

Quantifying the gender gap in the HIV care cascade in southern Mozambique: We are missing the men

PLoS One; 16 (2), 2021
Uptake of HIV testing and antiretroviral therapy (ART) services during antenatal care (ANC) in rural Mozambique is disappointing. To nurture supportive male engagement in ANC services, we partnered with traditional birth attendants and trained a new type of male-to-male community health agent, "Male Cham...

Usability and Feasibility of an Innovative mLearning Approach for Nurses Providing Option B+ Services in Manica and Sofala Provinces, Mozambique

The scaling of Option B+ services, whereby all pregnant women who test HIV positive are started on lifelong antiretroviral therapy upon diagnosis regardless of CD4 T-cell count, is ongoing in many high HIV burden, low-resource countries. We developed and evaluated a tablet-based mobile learning (mLearnin...