Results: 8

Risk factors for neonatal mortality: an observational cohort study in Sarlahi district of rural southern Nepal

BMJ Open; 13 (9), 2023
Objectives: To assess the association between maternal characteristics, adverse birth outcomes (small-for-gestational-age (SGA) and/or preterm) and neonatal mortality in rural Nepal. Design: This is a secondary observational analysis to identify risk factors for neonatal mortality, using data from a rand...

Clinical and epidemiological aspects of SARS-CoV-2 infection among pregnant and postpartum women in Mozambique: a prospective cohort study

Reprod. health; 19 (1), 2022
Although there is a significant increase of evidence regarding the prevalence and impact of COVID-19 on maternal and perinatal outcomes, data on the effects of the pandemic on the obstetric population in sub-Saharan African countries are still scarce. Therefore, the study aims were to assess the prevalen...

Adolescent, Pregnant, and HIV-Infected: Risk of Adverse Pregnancy and Perinatal Outcomes in Young Women from Southern Mozambique

Jpn. j. clin. med; 10 (8), 2021
Sub-Saharan Africa concentrates the burden of HIV and the highest adolescent fertility rates. However, there is limited information about the impact of the interaction between adolescence and HIV infection on maternal health in the region. Data collected prospectively from three clinical trials conducted...

Triangulação da qualidade dos dados em mortes materna e neonatais
Triagunlation of data quality in maternal and neonatal deaths

A mortalidade materna é uma preocupação mundial que levou as Nações Unidas a definir a meta para a sua redução nos Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio (Redução da Mortalidade Materna em 3/4 em relação a 1990 e 2015) (WHO 2015), e reforçado nos Objectivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável ...

Pregnancy cohorts and biobanking in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review

BMJ glob. health; 5 (11), 2020
Background: Technological advances and high throughput biological assays can facilitate discovery science in biobanks from population cohorts, including pregnant women. Biological pathways associated with health outcomes differ depending on geography, and high-income country data may not generalise to lo...

Early diagnosis of preeclampsia using placental growth factor: An operational pilot study in Maputo, Mozambique

n well-resourced settings, reduced circulating maternal free placental growth factor (PlGF) aids in either predicting or confirming the diagnosis of preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, stillbirth, preterm birth, and delivery within 14 days of testing when pre-eclampsia is suspected. This operational ...

Infant mortality and morbidity associated with preterm and small-for-gestational-age births in southern Mozambique: A retrospective cohort study

PLos ONE; 12 (2), 2017
Background: Preterm and small for gestational age (SGA) births have been associated with adverse outcomes during the first stages of life. We evaluated the morbidity and mortality associated with preterm and SGA births during the first year of life in a rural area of Southern Mozambique. Methods: This is...

Is selective prenatal iron prophylaxis better than routine prophylaxis: final results of a trial (PROFEG) in Maputo, Mozambique

BMJ Open; 6 (6), 2016
To compare routine versus selective (ie, screening and treatment for anaemia) prenatal iron prophylaxis in a malaria-endemic and HIV-prevalent setting, an extended analysis including previously missing data. Design: A pragmatic randomised controlled clinical trial. Setting: 2 health centres in Maputo, ...