Results: 2

Vigilância Nacional de Meningite Procdiimento Operacional Padrão para Pessoal do Laboratório

A meningite bacteriana é uma condição clínica que acarreta risco de vida, requerendo diagnóstico e tratamento precoces. Estima-se que ocorreram 2,8 milhões de casos de meningite em todo o mundo, em 2016 (Colaboradores GBDM Lancet 2018). Até 70% dos pacientes com meningite morrem sem tratamento (Ro...

Profile of people seeking health services during Pope Francis’ visit to Mozambique, 2019

Parasit. vectors; (), 2020
Pope Francis visited Mozambique from September 4-6, 2019. During the visit, a real-time surveillance system for mass gathering events was implemented in all places where people gathered in Maputo City for early detection of possible outbreaks and other health-related events. The system was implemented at...