Men who have sex with Men (MSM) are known to contribute to increased HIV prevalence as an integral part of key populations with high vulnerability to HIV/AIDS due to their sexual behaviours. Mozambique conducted two rounds of bio-behavioral surveys (BBS) in this population with the main objective of esti...
HIV Infections/epidemiology,
Homosexuality, Male/statistics & numerical data,
Homosexuality, Male/psychology,
Introduction: migrant mine workers are susceptible
to engage in risky sexual behaviour due to their high
mobility, putting at risk their families and home
communities. Because comprehensive knowledge
about HIV/AIDS is a key factor in reducing HIV
infections, this study aims to understand the current...
Baltazar, Cynthia Semá;
Horth, Roberta;
Boothe, Makini;
Sathane, Isabel;
Young, Peter;
Langa, Denise Chitsondzo;
Condula, Manuel;
Ricardo, Helena;
Dengo Baloi, Liliana;
Cummings, Beverley;
Schaad, Nicolas;
Gouveia, Lídia;
Teodoro, Eugénia;
Raymond, Henry F.
Few countries in sub-Saharan Africa know the magnitude of their HIV epidemic among people who inject drugs (PWID). This was the first study in Mozambique to measure prevalence of HIV, HBV, and HCV, and to assess demographic characteristics and risk behaviors in this key population.
Methods: We used resp...
Cross-Sectional Studies,
Drug Users/statistics & numerical data,
HIV Infections/epidemiology,
Hepatitis B,
Hepatitis C,
Population Surveillance/methods,
Seroepidemiologic Studies,
Sexual Behavior/statistics & numerical data,
Substance Abuse, Intravenous,
Surveys and Questionnaires,
Urban Population
This is the first integrated biological and behavioral surveillance survey among long-distance truck drivers (LDTD) in Mozambique. Using modified time-location sampling in 2012 at a key transportation junction (Inchope), we enrolled 327 male LDTD. HIV prevalence was 15.4 % (95 % confidence interval : 11....
Condoms/statistics & numerical data,
HIV Infections/diagnosis,
HIV Infections/epidemiology,
HIV Infections/transmission,
Motor Vehicles,
Risk Factors,
Safe Sex/psychology,
Safe Sex/statistics & numerical data,
Sexual Behavior/statistics & numerical data,
Sexual Partners,
Surveys and Questionnaires,
Unsafe Sex/psychology,
Unsafe Sex/statistics & numerical data
Augusto, Ângelo do Rosário;
Young, Peter W;
Horth, Roberta Z;
Inguane, Celso;
Sathane, Isabel;
Ngale, Katia;
Benedetti, Marcos;
Cummings, Beverley;
Sande Botão, Carlos Francisco;
Semá Baltazar, Cynthia Amino;
Frank, Heidi;
Fagan, Jennifer;
Raymond, Henry Fisher;
McFarland, Willi.
This is the first integrated biological and behavioral survey among female sex workers (FSW) in
Mozambique. Using respondent-driven sampling, 400, 411 and 429 FSW were enrolled
respectively in Maputo, Beira and Nampula in 2011-2012. Estimates were produced using RDSAT
7.1. HIV prevalence was 31.2%, 23...
Nala, Rassul;
Cummings, Beverley;
Celso, Inguane;
Benedetti, Marcos;
Chissano, Marcos;
Sathane, Isabel;
Young, Peter;
Silva, Danilo;
Mirjahangir, Joy;
Grasso, Mike;
Raymond, H Fisher;
McFarland, Willi;
Lane, Tim.
The population of men who have sex with men (MSM) has been largely ignored in HIV-related policies and programming in Mozambique and there is little information about the contribution of MSM to the HIV epidemic. An integrated biological and behavioral study among MSM using respondent-driven sampling was ...
HIV Infections/blood,
HIV Infections/epidemiology,
HIV Infections/prevention & control,
Homosexuality, Male/statistics & numerical data,
Patient Acceptance of Health Care/statistics & numerical data,
Risk Factors,
Seroepidemiologic Studies,
Vulnerable Populations/statistics & numerical data
Baltazar, Cynthia Semá;
Horth, Roberta;
Inguane, Celso;
Sathane, Isabel;
César, Freide;
Ricardo, Helena;
Botão, Carlos;
Augusto, Ângelo;
Cooley, Laura;
Cummings, Beverly;
Raymond, Henry F;
Young, Peter W.
Mineworkers are considered a population at risk for HIV due to risk behaviors associated with migratory work patterns. This was the first study in Mozambique to determine the prevalence of HIV and associated demographic and risk behaviors, and assess use and access to prevention and healthcare services a...
O inquérito biológico e comportamental (IBBS Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey) em Pessoas que Injectam Drogas (PID) foi o primeiro a ser realizado nesta população e tinha como objectivos: estimar a prevalência do HIV, hepatite B (HBV) e hepatite C (HCV); estimar o tamanho da população d...
Population Density,
Unsafe Sex,
Hepatitis B virus,
Hepatitis C Antibodies,
Health Services,
Drug Users,
Epidemiologic Studies,
Health Surveys
Na última década houve uma mudança significativa no paradigma da prestação de ajuda externa, definida na Declaração de Paris sobre a Eficácia da Ajuda de 2005. No centro deste novo paradigma está a ideia de ownership (apropriação) do país. Os governos que recebem ajuda externa são encorajado...
Resíduo tóxico industrial é toda substância sem utilidade que se elimina após ou durante actividade industrial. Os resíduos tóxicos, provenientes de indústrias são considerados de grande risco para a Saúde Pública, quando não observadas as normas adequadas de manuseamento. Estes são perigoso...