As síndromes febris agudas são motivo frequente de procura por assistência médica. A inespecificidade da apresentação clínica inicial dos diversos agentes etiológicos e a possibilidade de coinfecções seguem como um desafio. Em Moçambique, o facto da malária por P.falciparum ser endémica difi...
Background: Opt-out HIV testing is offered at 70% of antenatal care (ANC) clinics in Mozambique through the
prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) program. If routine data from this program were of sufficient
quality, their heightened coverage and continuous availability could complement or e...
Background: Southern African countries have borne the brunt of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Monitoring epidemiological dynamics is critical to identify the populations at greatest risk of infection and to guide control strategies.
Methods: A cross-sectional community-based study to determine age- and sex-spec...