Results: 31

HIV prevalence and associated factors among married women, Mozambique, 2015: analysis of the 2015 National AIDS Indicator Survey (IMASIDA)

Pan Afr. med. j; 47 (94), 2024
epidemiological estimates from the 2021 Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) emphasize the existing gender disparities, where women face a higher risk of HIV/AIDS exposure. In Mozambique, as of 2021, the HIV prevalence rate among the adult population stood at 12.5%, with an even more concern...

Inquérito biológico e comportamental entre homens que fazem sexo com homens segunda ronda moçambique, 2020-2021
Biological and behavioral survey among men who have sex with men second round mozambique, 2020-2021

O presente BBS, realizado com HSH, é o segundo desta natureza levado a cabo em Moçambique, com o objectivo de (i) Medir a prevalência de HIV, sífilis, infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B (VHB) e seus comportamentos de risco associados entre HSH em Moçambique; (ii) Estimar o tamanho da população d...

Who Are the Men Who Pay for Sex in Mozambique? Results from the National HIV/AIDS Indicator Survey 2015

Arch. sex. behav; 50 (5), 2022
Mozambique has one of the highest burdens of HIV in the world, where the prevalence is estimated at 13.2% among adults aged 15-49 years. Men who pay for sex (MPS) are considered a bridging population for HIV infection. However, the characteristics of MPS in Mozambique are poorly understood. The objective...

Characterizing and mapping the spatial variability of HIV risk among adolescent girls and young women: A cross-county analysis of population-based surveys in Eswatini, Haiti, and Mozambique

PLos ONE; 16 (12), 2021
Background: To stem the HIV epidemic among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), prevention programs must target services towards those most at risk for HIV. This paper investigates approaches to estimate HIV risk and map the spatial heterogeneity of at-risk populations in three countries: Eswatini, H...

Young at risk-people in Maputo City, Mozambique, present a high willingness to participate in HIV trials: Results from an HIV vaccine preparedness cohort study

PLos ONE; 16 (12), 2021
Introduction: Vaccine efficacy testing requires engagement of willing volunteers with high disease incidence. We evaluated factors associated with willingness to participate in potential future HIV vaccine trials in Maputo, Mozambique. Methods: Adults aged 18-35 years without HIV and who reported at leas...

Young at risk-people in Maputo City, Mozambique, present a high willingness to participate in HIV trials: Results from an HIV vaccine preparedness cohort study

PLos ONE; 16 (12), 2021
Introduction: Vaccine efficacy testing requires engagement of willing volunteers with high disease incidence. We evaluated factors associated with willingness to participate in potential future HIV vaccine trials in Maputo, Mozambique. Methods: Adults aged 18-35 years without HIV and who reported at leas...

Comprehensive knowledge and HIV prevalence in two migrant mineworkers’ communities of origin in Gaza Province in Southern Mozambique: evidence from a cross-sectional survey

Pan Afr. med. j; 40 (19), 2021
Introduction: migrant mine workers are susceptible to engage in risky sexual behaviour due to their high mobility, putting at risk their families and home communities. Because comprehensive knowledge about HIV/AIDS is a key factor in reducing HIV infections, this study aims to understand the current...

Characteristics of adolescents aged 15-19 years living with vertically and horizontally acquired HIV in Nampula, Mozambique

PLoS One; 16 (4), 2021
Background: Adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV) 15-19 years of age are a growing proportion of all people living with HIV globally and the population includes adolescents with vertically acquired HIV (AVH) and behaviorally acquired HIV (ABH). Methods: We conducted a survey to measure sociodemographic ch...

High Mobility and STIs/HIV among Women Informal Cross Border Traders in Southern Mozambique: Exploring Knowledge, Risk Perception, and Sexual Behaviors

High circular mobility creates vulnerability and elevates risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). We aim to explore knowledge, perceptions of risk, and sexual behaviors in relation to STIs/HIV, in Mozambican women involved in an informal cross border ...

HIV prevalence and TB in migrant miners communities of origin in Gaza Province, Mozambique: the need for increasing awareness and knowledge

PLos ONE; 15 (4), 2020
As part of ongoing efforts to generate evidence needed on HIV and tuberculosis (TB) to inform policies and programs aimed to improve the health outcomes of migrants and communities affected by migration and mining, a preliminary investigation was conducted through a biological and behavioral (BBS) approa...