Results: 3

Factors influencing risky sexual behaviour among Mozambican miners: a socioepidemiological contribution for HIV prevention framework in Mozambique

Int. j. equity health; 16 (1), 2017
Background: Information dealing with social and behavioural risk factors as well as their mechanisms among Mozambican migrants working in South African mines remains undocumented. This study aims to understand the various factors influencing HIV-related risk behaviours and the resulting HIV positive stat...

Frequência, caracterização serológica e molecular de hepatite b oculta em doadores de sangue do banco de sangue no hospital central de maputo
Frequency, serological and molecular characterization of occult hepatitis b in blood donors at the maputo central hospital blood bank

A hepatite B oculta é caracterizada pela presença do ácido desoxiribonucleíco (ADN) do VHB no soro, plasma ou tecido hepático em indivíduos com serologia negativa para o antígeno de superfície (HBsAg). Os mecanismos que conduzem à infecção oculta pelo VHB não são claros, embora as mutações...

HIV knowledge and health seeking behavior in Zambézia Province, Mozambique

Sahara J (Online); 9 (1), 2012
HIV prevalence rates in Zambézia Province were estimated to be 12.6% in 2009. A number of educational campaigns have been aimed at improving HIV transmission and prevention knowledge among community members in an effort to reduce infection rates. These campaigns have also encouraged people to seek healt...