Results: 2

Covariates and spatial interpolation of hiv screening in mozambique: insight from the 2015 aids indicator survey

Examinamos os fatores associados ao rastreamento do vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) e desenvolvemos um mapa de superfície de prevalência de rastreamento de HIV usando técnicas de interpolação espacial para identificar as áreas geográficas com as maiores e menores taxas de rastreamento de ...

Mapping and Modelling Malaria Risk Areas Using Climate, Socio-Demographic and Clinical Variables in Chimoio, Mozambique

Background: Malaria continues to be a major public health concern in Africa. Approximately 3.2 billion people worldwide are still at risk of contracting malaria, and 80% of deaths caused by malaria are concentrated in only 15 countries, most of which are in Africa. These high-burden countries have achiev...