Results: 4

Performance of two plasma separation devices for HIV-1 viral load measurement in primary healthcare settings

Microbiol. spectr; 11 (6), 2023
ABSTRACT Dried blood spot (DBS) may overestimate the viral RNA, mainly in patients with low viral load (VL), due to proviral DNA and intracellular RNA. The Burnett and HemaSpot provide integrated solutions for the collection, separation, and drying of plasma from whole blood. This study aims to evalua...

Vigilância Nacional de Meningite Procdiimento Operacional Padrão para Pessoal do Laboratório

A meningite bacteriana é uma condição clínica que acarreta risco de vida, requerendo diagnóstico e tratamento precoces. Estima-se que ocorreram 2,8 milhões de casos de meningite em todo o mundo, em 2016 (Colaboradores GBDM Lancet 2018). Até 70% dos pacientes com meningite morrem sem tratamento (Ro...

Early antiretroviral therapy initiation: access and equity of viral load testing for HIV treatment monitoring

Lancet, Infect. dis.; 17 (1), 2017
Scaling up access to HIV viral load testing for individuals undergoing antiretroviral therapy in low-resource settings is a global health priority, as emphasised by research showing the benefits of suppressed viral load for the individual and the whole population. Historically, large-scale diagnostic tes...

Dengue Virus Serotype 2 Established in Northern Mozambique (2015–2016)

After the report of an outbreak of dengue virus serotype 2 in 2014 in Nampula and Pemba cities, northernMozambique, a surveillance system was established by the National Institute of Health. A study was performed during2015–2016 to monitor the trend of the outbreak and confirm the circulating serotype ...