Results: 2

Whole-genome characterization of g12 rotavirus strains detected in mozambique reveals a co-infection with a gxp[14] strain of possible animal origin

J. gen. virol; 100 (), 2009
A high prevalence of G12 rotavirus strains has previously been reported in southern Mozambique. In this study, the full genomes of five Mozambican G12 strains were determined directly from stool using an Illumina Miseq platform. One sample (0060) contained an intergenogroup co-infection of a G12P[8] Wa-l...

Bio-efficacy of new long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets against Anopheles funestus and Anopheles gambiae from central and northern Mozambique

Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) are one of the main methods used for controlling malaria transmission in Mozambique. The proliferation of several types of LLINs and the re-emergence of insecticide resistance in the local vector populations poses challenges to the local malaria control prog...