Results: 5

Lipoarabinomannan Antigen Assay (TB-LAM) for Diagnosing Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition in Mozambique

Tuberculosis (TB) and malnutrition are important causes of morbidity and mortality in children in the developing world. Aims To assess the prevalence of pulmonary TB in severely malnourished children and evaluate TB detection using the urine lipoarabinomannan antigen assay (TB-LAM). Methods A retrospec...

The risk of tuberculosis in children after close exposure: a systematic review and individual-participant meta-analysis

Lancet; 395 (10228), 2020
Background: Tens of millions of children are exposed to Mycobacterium tuberculosis globally every year; however, there are no contemporary estimates of the risk of developing tuberculosis in exposed children. The effectiveness of contact investigations and preventive therapy remains poorly understood. Me...

TB sequel: incidence, pathogenesis and risk factors of long-term medical and social sequelae of pulmonary TB - a study protocol

BMC pulm. med; 19 (1), 2019
Background: Up to fifty percent of microbiologically cured tuberculosis (TB) patients may be left with permanent, moderate or severe pulmonary function impairment. Very few studies have systematically examined pulmonary outcomes in patients to understand the pathophysiologic basis and long-term socio-eco...

Radiological findings in young children investigated for tuberculosis in Mozambique

PLos ONE; 10 (5), 2015
Introduction: Chest radiography remains a critical tool for diagnosing intrathoracic tuberculosis (TB) in young children who are unable to expectorate. We describe the radiological findings in children under 3 years of age investigated for TB in the district of Manhiça, southern Mozambique, an area with...

Molecular diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Mozambique

BMC microbiol; 10 (195), 2010
Background: Mozambique is one of the countries with the highest burden of tuberculosis (TB) in Sub-Saharan Africa, and information on the predominant genotypes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis circulating in the country are important to better understand the epidemic. This study determined the predominant s...